About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Colonial history


Artist Talk / Colonial history / Slavery /

Afrovibes Festival: Askari Soldiers by Amado Alfadni

Colonial history / Indonesia / Residencies / Southeast Asia /

Framer Framed in Surabaya – Sensible Past: Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame

Curatorial Text / Colonial history / Art and Activism / Politics and technology /

Curatorial Statement: Art and the Battle for Truth

Ecology / Action Research / The living archive / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

"...exposing the pasts, presents, and futures of colonial toxicity." – Samia Henni in Critique d'art

Slavery / Bookshop Selection / Colonial history /

Bookshop Selection: 1 July Keti Koti 2024

Colombia / Ecology / Colonial history /

"For us, knowledge and spirituality are not separate" - in conversation with Indigenous leader Hernando Chindoy

Extractivism / Colonial history / Planetary Poetics / Podcast /

Podcast: Counter-extractivism: Poetics of remedy and transmission

Extractivism / Ecology / Education / Colonial history / Planetary Poetics /

Picha and Framer Framed: A long-term collaboration

Ecology / Extractivism / Colonial history /

Towards a Perma-Future by iLiana Fokianaki

Collectives / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /

From Tanah Merdeka to Tanah Tumpah Darah: Taring Padi in Brisbane, Australia

Education / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology / South Africa /

Shared Waters: How the Camissa Museum in Cape Town extends beyond its spatial borders to Amsterdam

The living archive / Ecology / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Performing Colonial Toxicity travels to Zurich and London

Bookshop Selection / Conflict / Ecology / Shared Heritage / The living archive / Colonial history /

Bookshop Selection: Colonial Toxicity by Samia Henni

Colonial history / The living archive / Residencies /

Aankondiging: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed kunstenaarsresidentie

Conflict / The living archive / Colonial history /

Video: Megan Hoetger in conversation with Samia Henni

Podcast / Conflict / The living archive / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Podcast: Uncovering the Dark Legacy of Nuclear Colonialism with Samia Henni

Bookshop Selection / Colonial history / Middle East / Palestine / Political Climate /

Reading List: Books on the Palestinian experience and struggle for liberation

Diaspora / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Podcast /

Podcast: Decolonizing the Gaze - Textile Cultural Heritage vs Colonialism

Caribbean / Colonial history / Open Call / Residencies /

Open Call: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist Residency

Ecology / Extractivism / Colonial history /

Sacrificial Energy by Rose-Anne Gush

Education / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / South Africa /

Report: Shared Waters and Family Histories - An exchange with Camissa Museum in Capetown, SA

Slavery / Bookshop Selection / Colonial history /

Bookshop Selection: 1 Juli Keti Koti 2023

Collectives / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /

The making of Tanah Merdeka - Dialogue through collaborative practices

Collectives / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /

An introduction to the exhibition Tanah Merdeka - by Alexander Supartono

Collectives / Curatorial Text / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /

Seeking Restorative Processes by Benjamin Seroussi

Ecology / Conflict / Education / Extractivism / Colonial history /

Kunstschooldagen @Framer Framed

The living archive / Colonial history / Art and Activism / Residencies / Southeast Asia /

Announcement: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence

Action Research / Community & Learning / Diaspora / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / South Africa /

Report: Decolonial Futures Winter School

Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /

Colonialism in museums: Islamic art from Indonesia

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Podcast Series: Black Togetherness

Museology / Shared Heritage / The living archive / Colonial history /

Pressing Matter: Ownership, Value and the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums

CICC / Ecology / Colonial history / Art and Activism /

Errant Journal: A conversation between Radha D'Souza and Jonas Staal

Indonesia / Collection development / Ecology / Colonial history / Museology /

On the (de)coloniality of Kebun Raya Bogor, museum objects and contemporary Indonesian art

Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes Framer Framed
CICC / Ecology / Colonial history /

The climate crisis is a colonial crisis - by Roos van der Lint

Community & Learning / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /

Report: Decolonial Futures with Ariella Aïsha Azoulay

Colonial history / Indonesia / Art and Activism / Residencies /

Announcement: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence

Action Research / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / South Africa /

Report: Decolonial Futures with Aditi Jaganathan

Shared Heritage / Community & Learning / Colonial history / Art and Activism / South Africa /

Report: Sara Blokland's lecture as part of Decolonial Futures

Shared Heritage / Action Research / Community & Learning / Colonial history / South Africa /

Decolonial Futures: Second Term

Shared Heritage / Action Research / Community & Learning / Photography / Colonial history / South Africa /

Decolonial Futures: First Term

Ecology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Digital Archive: Decolonise Botanical Gardens

Colonial history / Museology /

Article: Smithsonian’s Leader Says ‘Museums Have a Social Justice Role to Play’

Indonesia / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Amsterdam: Postcolonial Processes

Ecology / Action Research / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Report: On the Future of Botanical Gardens

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Review: 'On the Nature of Botanical Gardens' at Framer Framed

Contested Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /

Expertmeeting on the presentation of contested heritage at Westfries Museum

Extractivism / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Review: Sammy Baloji. A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes

Colonial history / Extractivism / Photography /

Review: A History Coloured by Belgians

Indonesia / Colonial history /

On Power and Other Things – by Sophia Zürcher

Photography / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

Report: Sara Blokland on Srefidensi and Reproduction of Family

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

Report: Modern Indonesian painters in revolution and nation building

Indonesia / Colonial history /

Report: What is modern Indonesian art?

South Africa / Colonial history /

Review: 'Re(as)sisting Narratives' - A Group Exhibition at Framer Framed, Amsterdam

Colonial history / The living archive / Contested Heritage / South Africa /

Re(as)sisting Narratives: Exploring The Past To Write The Future

Colonial history / Museology /

Symposium: Decolonize The Museum

Colonial history / Curatorial Text /

Article: Towards a decolonial curatorial practice, by Chandra Frank

Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /

Decolonising the Museum: Limits and Possibilities

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Video: Suspended Histories

Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

Exhibition: Suspended Histories at Museum van Loon

Contemporary Aboriginal art / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Exhibition: BOMB

Colonial history / Museology /

Article: Colonial nostalgia in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Foto: Cas Bool
Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Video: Contested History

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Video: Suspended Histories

Colonial history /

Symposium: BE.BOP 2013

Museology / Colonial history /

Lecture: Debate on the reopening on the Rijksmuseum

Fotografie: Anoek Steketee
Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Exhibition: 'Vroeger is een ver land'

Colonial history /

Bookweek Launch: Golden times, Black pages

Contested Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Physical anthropology in the Netherlands East Indies, ca. 1890-1960

Colonial history /

Reading: The black canon

Colonial history / Bookshop Selection /

Booklaunch: Farewell to the Colonies

Colonial history / Slavery /

Conference: The Colonial Legacy Conference - on the occasion 300th anniversary of the De Vrede van Utrecht

Colonial history /

Conference: Edward Said Memorial Conference

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Report: Contested History

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Study Afternoon: Beyond Indië - The cultural decoloniastion of Indonesia

Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Book launch: What is Colonial Photography?

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Art in Public Space /

Report: Hacking History

Colonial history / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Museology /

Report: Symposium Contested History

Caribbean / Colonial history / Migration /

Performance: Nets have many holes

Colonial history / Art economy / Museology /

Press Release: Closure of Molucan Museum

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

The national symbol of openness - by Sylvia Pessireron

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

Foute Keuzes

Indonesia / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

'Ja, zo ging dat nou eenmaal in de kolonie', een column van Nancy Jouwe

Indonesia / Colonial history /

Speech: Van Heutsz door de mal van het heden, door John Jansen van Galen

Indonesia / Colonial history /

A Colonial Wound

Photography / Colonial history / Museology /

Project: Photographs, Colonial Legacy and Museums in Contemporary European Culture

Foto: Marc Pluim
Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

Exhibition: Six Yards Guaranteed Dutch Design

Museology / Colonial history /

Conference: Universalisms in Conflict

Colonial history / Global Art History / Museology /

The Netherlands in Post-Colonial Perspective

Photography / Colonial history /

Publication: UNFIXED - Photography and Postcolonial Perspectives in Contemporary Art

Caribbean / Colonial history /

Symposium: Colloquium (Post)Colonial News

Colonial history / Innovative heritage / Museology /

Towards a Postcolonial Practice for Ethnographic Museums

Colonial history / Photography / Indonesia / Museology /

Report: Colonial Nostalgia

Colonial history / Collection development /

Video: symposisum Colonial Nostalgia

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Report: Shared Heritage

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /

Video: Cultural Heritage

Colonial history / Museology /

Video: The Exotic View (Dutch)

Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /

Article: The Exotic View

The living archive / Collection development / Colonial history /

Artists in Residence: Royal Museum for Central Africa

Photography / Colonial history /

Symposium: Photographs, Colonial Legacy and Museums in Contemporary European Culture

Fotografie: Anoek Steketee
Colonial history / Collection development / Museology /

Symposium: Colonial Nostalgia


Exhibition: Sensible Past in Surabaya – Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame

Group exhibition in Surabaya, Indonesia with Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed artists-in-residence

Exhibition: Breaking Waves

The exhibition Breaking Waves by artist Clara Jo on epidemiological and maritime movement

Stories of Wounds and Wonder

Presentation of the artistic research & experimental children's book by researcher, writer and pedagogue Nuraini Juliastuti

Exhibition: The One-Straw Revolution

An exhibition curated by iLiana Fokianaki exploring permaculture as a methodology for exhibition-making

Exhibition: Shared Waters

Presentation of young people in Amsterdam and Cape Town searching for their roots, for mutual cultural connections past and present.

Exhibition: Amidst the Sand Wall

An exhibition by Moroccan artist 739 offering further context to the current state of the Western Sahara

Exhibition: Performing Colonial Toxicity

An exhibition by researcher and architectural historian Samia Henni, in collaboration with If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution

Exhibition: Anonim

Final presentation of Theo Frids Marulitua Hutabarat's Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence project.

Exhibition: Tanah Merdeka

An exhibition with the Indonesian art & activist collective, Taring Padi, reflecting on the concept of land as the object and site of decolonial struggles.

Exhibition: CICC Gwangju Biennale - Extinction Wars

An exhibition of the CICC at the Netherlands Pavilion of the Gwangju Biennale, South Korea, commissioned and produced by Framer Framed.

Exhibition: Charging Myths

An exhibition by transnational collective On-Trade-Off exploring how technological innovation is dependent on natural resources.
Image for the exhibition The silence of tired tongues at Framer Framed

Exhibition: The Silence of Tired Tongues

Contemporary Art & Brazil

Exhibition: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens

Contemporary indonesian perspectives by nine Indonesian artists

Exhibition: A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes

A solo exhibition by Sammy Baloji
Based on drawing by Ervance ‘Havefun’ Dwiputra / Design by Diego Montero Ris

Exhibition: Pressing Matters

Featuring 24 Indonesian artists brought together by artist Kevin van Braak

Exhibition: Re(as)sisting Narratives in South Africa

Exploring lingering legacies of colonialism between South Africa and the Netherlands through engaging with contemporary artists from both countries

Exhibition: Re(as)sisting Narratives

Exploring lingering legacies of colonialism between South Africa and the Netherlands through engaging with contemporary artists from both countries

Exhibition: Simuda Nyuma - Forward Ever Backward Never

A contemporary interpretation of missing documents in an Ugandan archive of Ham Mukasa. Curated by Robinah Nansubug and Andrea Stultiens


Exhibition: Sensible Past in Surabaya – Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame
Group exhibition in Surabaya, Indonesia with Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed artists-in-residence
Ancestral Damages: Demanding Climate Reparations
Workshop with climate justice activist and researcher Marcela Varconte.
Decolonial Summer School: Celebrating 15 Years of the Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School
Events hosted by leading experts in the field of decolonial thinking at Framer Framed (Amsterdam) and Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven)
Artist Tour & Workshop: Breaking Waves
Artist tour end workshop by artist Clara Jo as part of her exhibition Breaking Waves during Amsterdam Art Week
Opening: Breaking Waves
Opening of the exhibition Breaking Waves by artist Clara Jo during Amsterdam Art Week
Exhibition: Breaking Waves
The exhibition Breaking Waves by artist Clara Jo on epidemiological and maritime movement
In conversation with Jodi Dean, Michael Hardt and Sandro Mezzadra about student protests and Gaza
Two events organised by Critical Conversation Collective, together with the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis and Framer Framed
Finissage: The One-Straw Revolution
Finissage of the exhibition, The One-Straw Revolution, curated by iLiana Fokianaki
Counter-extractivism: Poetics of remedy and transmission
A closing event for cultural practitioner Jean-Sylvain Tshilumba Mukendi’s seminar on politics and extractivism at the Planetary Poetics master's programme at the Sandberg Institute
Workshop: Maintaining the Root
Three workshops and a performance on heritage by artist Sarah Ndele as part of the Planetary Poetics master's programme at the Sandberg Insitute
Symposium: Stressing Solidarity - Witnessing Palestine through Art and Architecture
A symposium on Palestinian art and cultural heritage initiated by the Teach-in Series workgroup of the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis
Guided Tour: Stories of Wounds and Wonder
Guided tour with the author of Stories of Wounds and Wonder, Nuraini Juliastuti
Book Launch: Stories of Wounds and Wonder
Reading of the play and publication Stories of Wounds and Wonder by artist Nuraini Juliastuti
Stories of Wounds and Wonder
Presentation of the artistic research & experimental children's book by researcher, writer and pedagogue Nuraini Juliastuti
Exhibition: The One-Straw Revolution
An exhibition curated by iLiana Fokianaki exploring permaculture as a methodology for exhibition-making
Opening: The One-Straw Revolution
Opening of the exhibition, The One-Straw Revolution, curated by iLiana Fokianaki
Finissage: Performing Colonial Toxicity
Finissage programme for the exhibition Performing Colonial Toxicity including a book launch of Samia Henni's newest publication.
Screening: And still, it remains
Film screening in within the context of the exhibition, Performing Colonial Toxicity.
Exhibition: Shared Waters
Presentation of young people in Amsterdam and Cape Town searching for their roots, for mutual cultural connections past and present.
Symposium: Now You See Me
Black Women’s Defying Worlds During the Era of the Atlantic Slave Trade and Indentured Servitude
Performance Lecture by Samia Henni
In the context of her exhibition 'Performing Colonial Toxicity' now on show at Framer Framed
Exhibition: Amidst the Sand Wall
An exhibition by Moroccan artist 739 offering further context to the current state of the Western Sahara
Rematriation Rehearsals: On a Mesoamerican Skull Displayed in Leiden
A conversation on 3D printing in the context of stolen or looted artefacts from indigenous communities
Exhibition: Performing Colonial Toxicity
An exhibition by researcher and architectural historian Samia Henni, in collaboration with If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution
Opening: Performing Colonial Toxicity
An exhibition by researcher Samia Henni on the redacted history of French nuclear colonialism in the Algerian Sahara
Launch: Errant Journal #5, Learning from Ancestors
Errant Journal is a concept by Irene de Craen, realised in collaboration with Framer Framed
Roundtable: Decolonizing the Gaze - Textile Cultural Heritage vs Colonialism?
Roundtable discussion on what different fabrics and their history tell about interculture, colonialism and cultural appropriations.
Screening: Land Rifts – Extraction and Sedimentation
Film screenings and discussion about ecosystems and coloniality, in collaboration with ASCA.
Exhibition: Anonim
Final presentation of Theo Frids Marulitua Hutabarat's Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence project.
Roundtable Conversation: Tanah Merdeka
Roundtable conversation with researchers and curators from different art museums and institutions within the context of Taring Padi's exhibition, Tanah Merdeka.
Exhibition: Tanah Merdeka
An exhibition with the Indonesian art & activist collective, Taring Padi, reflecting on the concept of land as the object and site of decolonial struggles.
Opening: Tanah Merdeka
Opening of the exhibition Tanah Merdeka with works by the Indonesian art collective Taring Padi and collaborators.
Finissage: Charging Myths - 'In words nourished'
A storytelling event within the context of the exhibition, Charging Myths.
Education project: Shared Waters
Exchange project with the Camissa Museum (Cape Town, SA)
Exhibition: CICC Gwangju Biennale - Extinction Wars
An exhibition of the CICC at the Netherlands Pavilion of the Gwangju Biennale, South Korea, commissioned and produced by Framer Framed.
Kunstschooldagen 2023
Two-day programme where groups of 8th-graders and facilitators visit different cultural institutions.
Symposium: Inward Outward
Symposium with lecture/conversations and workshops on the theme of Witnessing/Care & The Archive
Exhibition: Charging Myths
An exhibition by transnational collective On-Trade-Off exploring how technological innovation is dependent on natural resources.
Opening: Charging Myths by On-Trade-Off
Opening of the exhibition, Charging Myths, by transnational artist collective On-Trade-Off.
Performance: Ausangate, a gaseous cosmology
A performance, a ceremony, a conversation with an earth-being, an ofrenda.
Transoceanic Memories: Disaster Haggyo presentation
An afternoon of transdisciplinary dialogues on disasters in the Anthropocene supported by Arts Council Korea
Film screening: Indisch Zwijgen
Film screening, exhibition & spoken word workshop
Kunstschooldagen 2022
Two-day programme where groups of 8th-graders and facilitators visit different cultural institutions.
Exhibition: The Silence of Tired Tongues
Contemporary Art & Brazil
Opening: The Silence of Tired Tongues
With Julia Arbex, Aline Baiana, Arthur Chaves, Vitória Cribb, Benedito Ferreira, Estêvão Parreiras, Luana Vitra & Raphael Fonseca
Atelier KITLV: Declaring Distance
Ways of imagining and engaging with the colonial archive with Atelier KITLV
Symposium: Decolonial Futures
The final program of the cultural exchange programme with Funda Community College, Soweto, South Africa
Decolonial Futures Workshop Series: The Womb Republic - How to Rebirth
A cultural exchange programme with Funda Community College, Soweto, South Africa
Decolonial Futures Winter School: Creating Space for a Hundred Flowers to Bloom
A cultural exchange programme with Funda Community College, Soweto, South Africa
Lecture: The Colonisation of the Future by David van Reybrouck at Framer Framed
On the colonisation of the future, and living on the brink of the climate catastrophe
Decolonial Futures: Workshop with Ariella Aïsha Azoulay
First term of the Decolonial Futures programme 2021-2022
Decolonial Futures: Workshop with Aditi Jaganathan
First term of the Decolonial Futures programme 2021-2022 with selected Artist Talks
Decolonial Futures: Workshop with Sara Blokland
First term of Decolonial Futures programme 2021-2022
Atelier KITLV: Zouk is Medicine
On creole manifestations of cultural as a means of resistance with Ari Gautier, Ananya Jahanara Kabir, Jocelyne Beroard & Bonaventure Ndikung
Atelier KITLV: Kucini, kallu, kakkus - Creolising India Across the Oceans
Kucini, kallu, kakkus: Creolising India Across the Oceans
Decolonial Futures 2020-2021: Second Term
Online seminar as part of the second term of Decolonial Futures
Book launch: Revolusi
A conversation with David Van Reybrouck, Wim Manuhutu, Sadiah Boonstra, Goenawan Mohamad and Amanda Pinatih
Decolonial Futures 2020-2021: First Term
Open Call for participants for the Decolonial Futures Cultural Exchange Programme 2020-2022
Launch: Errant Journal #1, When Are We?
Errant Journal is a concept by Irene de Craen, realised in collaboration with Framer Framed
Finissage: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
Featuring a performative lecture investigating the etymology of plant species by artists Amy Pekal and Marit Mihklepp
Crisis Imaginaries, Chapter 2: Visibility Politics & Climate Justice
Online panel on intersectional climate justice with Chihiro Geuzebroek, Asuka Kähler and Raki Ap, moderated by Amanda Boetzkes
Re-visiting Botanical Gardens
Nieuwe perspectieven op het netwerk van Nederlandse botanische tuinen
Exhibition: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
Contemporary indonesian perspectives by nine Indonesian artists
Opening: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
Contemporary Indonesian Perspectives
Memoria Plantae: Perspectives on the Dutch Botanical Network
A conversation with Sadiah Boonstra, Andreas Weber en Jennifer Tosch in the lead-up to our upcoming exhibition
Finissage: A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes
With Sammy Baloji, Georges Senga Assani and Heleen Debeuckelaere.
Book launch: When we speak about colonisation
On the occasion of the recent publication by Faassen and Verdijk, and in the context of the running show 'A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes' by Sammy Baloji
Curator tour: A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes
A tour by Vincent van Velsen.
Exhibition: A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes
A solo exhibition by Sammy Baloji
Pressing Matters: Exhibition tour & artist talk with Ignasius Dicky Takndare
Joined in conversation by artist Kevin van Braak & moderator Nancy Jouwe.
Exhibition: Pressing Matters
Featuring 24 Indonesian artists brought together by artist Kevin van Braak
Opening: Pressing Matters
In presence of artists Kevin van Braak and Ipeh Nur
Undercurrents: Art/Production/Mobility/...
A program by Hotel Maria Kapel in collaboration with Framer Framed.
Lecture: Iwan Sewandono - The outframed framed in: modern Indonesian Painters
Lecture by anthropologist Iwan Sewandono, on modern Indonesian painters in the Dutch Indies, in the 1930s and after.
Lecture: Sara Blokland - Srefidensi and the reproduction of a family history
Lecture by Sara Blokland, about her art and the the project SrefidensiFoto, photo archives and the role of memory and identity in her work.
Lecture: The work of artist Patricia Kaersenhout and artist Charl Landvreugd
Artists Patricia Kaersenhout & Charl Landvreugd will each present a lecture on their artistic practice.
Lecture: Caroline Drieënhuizen - Musea in the Dutch East Indies
To what extent are museums reflective instrumental in the creation of colonial narratives, histories and national identities?
Open lecture series: Influence of colonialism on artistic expressions in former Dutch colonies
March/April 2017.
Workshop: Solidariteit vandaag in onze neokoloniale tijd
Hoe kun je solidair zijn met de strijd van anderen vanuit een witte neokoloniale context?
Exhibition: Re(as)sisting Narratives in South Africa
Exploring lingering legacies of colonialism between South Africa and the Netherlands through engaging with contemporary artists from both countries
Museumnacht Amsterdam 2016
Framer Framed programme during Museumnacht 2016.
24H Noord: exhibition tours Re(as)sisting Narratives
Exhibition visit and tours by artist Judith Westerveld during the 24H Noord event.
Dutch & Indonesian perspectives on 1945-1949
Event with Histori Bersama foundation / Marjolein van Pagee in collaboration Koneksi-Connectie on Dutch & Indonesian historical perspectives.
Re(as)sisting Narratives in context
A conversation in the context of exhibition 'Re(as)sisting Narratives' with curator Chandra Frank, participating artist Judith Westerveld, and moderator Jennifer Tosch.
The Story Might Not Be Complete
A discussion on erasure and the archive.
Exhibition: Re(as)sisting Narratives
Exploring lingering legacies of colonialism between South Africa and the Netherlands through engaging with contemporary artists from both countries
Conversation with photographer and researcher Marjolein van Pagee
Research on the so-called ‘Politionele Acties’ of the Netherlands in Indonesia; the Dutch military interventions during the Indonesian National Revolution.
In Dialogue II: Questioning the explorer
With a historical re-enactment by performing artist Xenson Znja.
In Dialogue I: Deciphering and Reclaiming Histories
Artist talk with collaborating artists Papa Shabani and Xenson Znja.
De-toothing Africa - An evening with an intimate reading of a family archive
A cinematic installation that is fueled by film abstracts, family archives, readings, music, performance and soundscapes.
Exhibition: Simuda Nyuma - Forward Ever Backward Never
A contemporary interpretation of missing documents in an Ugandan archive of Ham Mukasa. Curated by Robinah Nansubug and Andrea Stultiens
Burning Museum: Addressing the headquarters
Cut, paste, snip, plak, sak, pap, plat, bek!
Side-expo: 'Venus' masks by Shertise Solano & Ronald de Graaff
By Shertise Solano & Ronald de Graaff. In addition to the 'Embodied Spaces' exhibition.
BE.BOP 2014 - Spiritual Revolutions & 'The Scramble for Africa'
Curated by Alanna Lockward.
Symposium: Suspended Histories
On the colonial past of the Van Loon family, and ways in which that past is presented and represented in Museum Van Loon.
Close Encounters of the Caribbean Kind II. On Decolonial Aesthetics and European Blackness
Lecture and round table discussion in the context of the exhibition Who is more sci-fi than us?
Close Encounters of the Caribbean Kind
Artist talk around the exposition Who More Sci-Fi Than Us?
Hacking History
A brainstorming about the relationship between the Netherlands and Indonesia and its representation in public space.
Symposium: Contested History
A symposium on the (re)presentation of Dutch-Indonesian colonial history in museums.
World Art and the Imperial Imagination
A workshop on the interface of contemporary art, postcolonial theory and cultural museology.