About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

27 FEB –
25 MAY

Now On Show

Past Disquiet

Curated by Kristine Khouri and Rasha Salti

Kijkje in de Keuken in Werkplaats Molenwijk

Free food (iftar) and exhibition in the company of other local residents in the Molenwijk in Amsterdam-Noord

Workshop: All Access Archive

Workshop exploring the possibilities of an open-source archive platform, initiated by artists Minhu Jun and Özgür Deniz Koldaş

Black Family Archives: Theorising on Death, Mourning and Discomfort

The workshop aims to examine questions of Black Death, grief and mourning through methodologies that use familial narratives and oral histories as empirical materials

The Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action, Solidarity, Art and the Archive

Screening and talk diving into the history of history RaRa, an anonymous collective that fought racism and the legacies of the Netherlands’ colonial past

Guided Tour: Past Disquiet

Guided tour of the exhibition, highlighting the connection between cultural practice and political action

Printmaking workshop: Past Disquiet

Lino cutting and screen printing workshops led by changing artists and initiatives, as part of the exhibition Past Disquiet

CICC School London – Indigo Resistances: Sonic and Textile Testimonies

Artists Antonio Jose Guzman & Iva Jankovic (Messengers of the Sun) explore the colonial legacies of the indigo trade

Exhibition: Monument Zero

Artist Katayoon Barzegar draws on scarce archival materials from the 1979 International Women’s Day protests in Iran to build a bridge between past and present feminist struggles