Colonial history

Artist Talk / Colonial history / Slavery /

Colonial history / Indonesia / Residencies / Southeast Asia /
Framer Framed in Surabaya – Sensible Past: Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame

Curatorial Text / Colonial history / Art and Activism / Politics and technology /
Curatorial Statement: Art and the Battle for Truth

Ecology / Action Research / The living archive / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
"...exposing the pasts, presents, and futures of colonial toxicity." – Samia Henni in Critique d'art

Slavery / Bookshop Selection / Colonial history /
Bookshop Selection: 1 July Keti Koti 2024

Colombia / Ecology / Colonial history /
"For us, knowledge and spirituality are not separate" - in conversation with Indigenous leader Hernando Chindoy

Extractivism / Colonial history / Planetary Poetics / Podcast /
Podcast: Counter-extractivism: Poetics of remedy and transmission

Extractivism / Ecology / Education / Colonial history / Planetary Poetics /
Picha and Framer Framed: A long-term collaboration

Ecology / Extractivism / Colonial history /
Towards a Perma-Future by iLiana Fokianaki

Collectives / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /
From Tanah Merdeka to Tanah Tumpah Darah: Taring Padi in Brisbane, Australia

Education / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology / South Africa /
Shared Waters: How the Camissa Museum in Cape Town extends beyond its spatial borders to Amsterdam

The living archive / Ecology / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Performing Colonial Toxicity travels to Zurich and London

Bookshop Selection / Conflict / Ecology / Shared Heritage / The living archive / Colonial history /
Bookshop Selection: Colonial Toxicity by Samia Henni

Colonial history / The living archive / Residencies /
Aankondiging: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed kunstenaarsresidentie

Conflict / The living archive / Colonial history /
Video: Megan Hoetger in conversation with Samia Henni

Podcast / Conflict / The living archive / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Podcast: Uncovering the Dark Legacy of Nuclear Colonialism with Samia Henni

Bookshop Selection / Colonial history / Middle East / Palestine / Political Climate /
Reading List: Books on the Palestinian experience and struggle for liberation

Diaspora / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Podcast /
Podcast: Decolonizing the Gaze - Textile Cultural Heritage vs Colonialism

Caribbean / Colonial history / Open Call / Residencies /
Open Call: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist Residency

Ecology / Extractivism / Colonial history /
Sacrificial Energy by Rose-Anne Gush

Education / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / South Africa /
Report: Shared Waters and Family Histories - An exchange with Camissa Museum in Capetown, SA

Slavery / Bookshop Selection / Colonial history /
Bookshop Selection: 1 Juli Keti Koti 2023

Collectives / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /
The making of Tanah Merdeka - Dialogue through collaborative practices

Collectives / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /
An introduction to the exhibition Tanah Merdeka - by Alexander Supartono

Collectives / Curatorial Text / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /
Seeking Restorative Processes by Benjamin Seroussi

The living archive / Colonial history / Art and Activism / Residencies / Southeast Asia /
Announcement: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence

Action Research / Community & Learning / Diaspora / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / South Africa /
Report: Decolonial Futures Winter School

Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /
Colonialism in museums: Islamic art from Indonesia

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Podcast Series: Black Togetherness

Museology / Shared Heritage / The living archive / Colonial history /
Pressing Matter: Ownership, Value and the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums

CICC / Ecology / Colonial history / Art and Activism /
Errant Journal: A conversation between Radha D'Souza and Jonas Staal

Indonesia / Collection development / Ecology / Colonial history / Museology /
On the (de)coloniality of Kebun Raya Bogor, museum objects and contemporary Indonesian art

CICC / Ecology / Colonial history /
The climate crisis is a colonial crisis - by Roos van der Lint

Community & Learning / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Report: Decolonial Futures with Ariella Aïsha Azoulay

Colonial history / Indonesia / Art and Activism / Residencies /
Announcement: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence

Action Research / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / South Africa /
Report: Decolonial Futures with Aditi Jaganathan

Shared Heritage / Community & Learning / Colonial history / Art and Activism / South Africa /
Report: Sara Blokland's lecture as part of Decolonial Futures

Shared Heritage / Action Research / Community & Learning / Colonial history / South Africa /
Decolonial Futures: Second Term

Shared Heritage / Action Research / Community & Learning / Photography / Colonial history / South Africa /
Decolonial Futures: First Term

Ecology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Digital Archive: Decolonise Botanical Gardens

Colonial history / Museology /
Article: Smithsonian’s Leader Says ‘Museums Have a Social Justice Role to Play’

Indonesia / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Amsterdam: Postcolonial Processes

Ecology / Action Research / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Report: On the Future of Botanical Gardens

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Review: 'On the Nature of Botanical Gardens' at Framer Framed

Contested Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Expertmeeting on the presentation of contested heritage at Westfries Museum

Extractivism / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Review: Sammy Baloji. A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes

Colonial history / Extractivism / Photography /
Review: A History Coloured by Belgians

Indonesia / Colonial history /
On Power and Other Things – by Sophia Zürcher

Photography / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Report: Sara Blokland on Srefidensi and Reproduction of Family

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Report: Modern Indonesian painters in revolution and nation building

Indonesia / Colonial history /
Report: What is modern Indonesian art?

South Africa / Colonial history /
Review: 'Re(as)sisting Narratives' - A Group Exhibition at Framer Framed, Amsterdam

Colonial history / The living archive / Contested Heritage / South Africa /
Re(as)sisting Narratives: Exploring The Past To Write The Future
South Africa / Colonial history /
Interview: Chandra Frank in conversation with Toni Stuart

South Africa / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Interview with Judith Westerveld about her work 'The Remnant'

Colonial history / Museology /
Symposium: Decolonize The Museum

Colonial history / Curatorial Text /
Article: Towards a decolonial curatorial practice, by Chandra Frank

Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /
Decolonising the Museum: Limits and Possibilities

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /
Video: Suspended Histories

Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Exhibition: Suspended Histories at Museum van Loon

Contemporary Aboriginal art / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Exhibition: BOMB

Colonial history / Museology /
Article: Colonial nostalgia in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Museology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Video: Contested History

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /
Video: Suspended Histories

Colonial history /
Symposium: BE.BOP 2013

Museology / Colonial history /
Lecture: Debate on the reopening on the Rijksmuseum

Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Exhibition: 'Vroeger is een ver land'

Colonial history /
Bookweek Launch: Golden times, Black pages

Contested Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /
Physical anthropology in the Netherlands East Indies, ca. 1890-1960

Colonial history /
Reading: The black canon

Colonial history / Bookshop Selection /
Booklaunch: Farewell to the Colonies

Colonial history / Slavery /
Conference: The Colonial Legacy Conference - on the occasion 300th anniversary of the De Vrede van Utrecht

Colonial history /
Conference: Edward Said Memorial Conference

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Report: Contested History

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Study Afternoon: Beyond Indië - The cultural decoloniastion of Indonesia

Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Book launch: What is Colonial Photography?

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Art in Public Space /
Report: Hacking History

Colonial history / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Museology /
Report: Symposium Contested History

Caribbean / Colonial history / Migration /
Performance: Nets have many holes

Colonial history / Art economy / Museology /
Press Release: Closure of Molucan Museum

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
The national symbol of openness - by Sylvia Pessireron

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Foute Keuzes

Indonesia / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
'Ja, zo ging dat nou eenmaal in de kolonie', een column van Nancy Jouwe

Indonesia / Colonial history /
Speech: Van Heutsz door de mal van het heden, door John Jansen van Galen

Indonesia / Colonial history /
A Colonial Wound

Photography / Colonial history / Museology /
Project: Photographs, Colonial Legacy and Museums in Contemporary European Culture

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Exhibition: Six Yards Guaranteed Dutch Design

Museology / Colonial history /
Conference: Universalisms in Conflict

Colonial history / Global Art History / Museology /
The Netherlands in Post-Colonial Perspective

Photography / Colonial history /
Publication: UNFIXED - Photography and Postcolonial Perspectives in Contemporary Art

Caribbean / Colonial history /
Symposium: Colloquium (Post)Colonial News

Colonial history / Innovative heritage / Museology /
Towards a Postcolonial Practice for Ethnographic Museums

Colonial history / Photography / Indonesia / Museology /
Report: Colonial Nostalgia

Colonial history / Collection development /
Video: symposisum Colonial Nostalgia

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Report: Shared Heritage

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Video: Cultural Heritage

Colonial history / Museology /
Video: The Exotic View (Dutch)

Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /
Article: The Exotic View

The living archive / Collection development / Colonial history /
Artists in Residence: Royal Museum for Central Africa
Photography / Colonial history /
Symposium: Photographs, Colonial Legacy and Museums in Contemporary European Culture

Exhibition: Sensible Past in Surabaya – Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame
Group exhibition in Surabaya, Indonesia with Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed artists-in-residence

Exhibition: Breaking Waves
The exhibition Breaking Waves by artist Clara Jo on epidemiological and maritime movement

Stories of Wounds and Wonder
Presentation of the artistic research & experimental children's book by researcher, writer and pedagogue Nuraini Juliastuti

Exhibition: The One-Straw Revolution
An exhibition curated by iLiana Fokianaki exploring permaculture as a methodology for exhibition-making

Exhibition: Shared Waters
Presentation of young people in Amsterdam and Cape Town searching for their roots, for mutual cultural connections past and present.

Exhibition: Amidst the Sand Wall
An exhibition by Moroccan artist 739 offering further context to the current state of the Western Sahara

Exhibition: Performing Colonial Toxicity
An exhibition by researcher and architectural historian Samia Henni, in collaboration with If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution

Exhibition: Anonim
Final presentation of Theo Frids Marulitua Hutabarat's Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence project.

Exhibition: Tanah Merdeka
An exhibition with the Indonesian art & activist collective, Taring Padi, reflecting on the concept of land as the object and site of decolonial struggles.

Exhibition: CICC Gwangju Biennale - Extinction Wars
An exhibition of the CICC at the Netherlands Pavilion of the Gwangju Biennale, South Korea, commissioned and produced by Framer Framed.

Exhibition: Charging Myths
An exhibition by transnational collective On-Trade-Off exploring how technological innovation is dependent on natural resources.

Exhibition: The Silence of Tired Tongues
Contemporary Art & Brazil

Exhibition: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
Contemporary indonesian perspectives by nine Indonesian artists

Exhibition: A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes
A solo exhibition by Sammy Baloji

Exhibition: Pressing Matters
Featuring 24 Indonesian artists brought together by artist Kevin van Braak

Exhibition: Re(as)sisting Narratives in South Africa
Exploring lingering legacies of colonialism between South Africa and the Netherlands through engaging with contemporary artists from both countries

Exhibition: Re(as)sisting Narratives
Exploring lingering legacies of colonialism between South Africa and the Netherlands through engaging with contemporary artists from both countries