About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

David van Reybrouck © Frank Ruiter

8 Jan 2022
15:00 - 17:00

Lecture: The Colonisation of the Future by David van Reybrouck at Framer Framed

We are proud to announce that on 8 January 2022, cultural historian, archaeologist and writer David Van Reybrouck will deliver the lecture The Colonisation of the Future. Living on the brink of the climate catastrophe at Framer Framed. He wrote the text as a contribution to Leiden University’s annual Huizingalezing. The event takes place in the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes, and will be live-streamed on Framer Framed’s YouTube channel. After the lecture, there will be a live discussion moderated by Art historian Meta Knol


15:00-15:10 Welcome
15:10-15:20 Opening speech by Josien Pieterse, co-director of Framer Framed
15:20-16:10 Lecture: The Colonisation of the Future. Living on the brink of the climate catastrophe
16:10-16:30 Discussion with Meta Knol
16:30-16:45 Audience questions

Language: English

Admission to the online lecture is free.
A video registration remains available: https://youtu.be/djTAj-qOhrg
Due to the Corona lockdown active in the Netherlands, no visitors will be present during the lecture.

About the lecture

Although interest in colonisation has grown throughout the West in recent years, it is mostly limited to historical colonialism. Little attention is paid to the ways in which we colonise the future. However, this is done with the same ruthlessness and short-sightedness with which regions around the world were invaded in earlier times. During the 50th edition of the Huizinga Lecture, David Van Reybrouck focuses on the way in which humanity is currently plundering and enslaving future generations. And further, the violence is not limited to human but affects all life on earth.

About the speaker

David Van Reybrouck (1971) writes plays, poetry, prose and non-fiction. His book Congo. Een geschiedenis has sold over half a million copies. The book won three major awards: the AKO Literature Prize, the Libris History Prize and the J. Greshoff Prize. Last year he published Revolusi. Indonesië en het ontstaan van de moderne wereld, a monumental work on which he worked for over five years. Previously, Framer Framed hosted an interview with the author about Revolusi that can be viewed here (in Dutch).

About the moderator

Art historian Meta Knol is a co-founder and former board member of Framer Framed. Until 2020, she was director of Museum De Lakenhal in Leiden, and she currently leads Leiden European City of Science 2022. Recently, Meta founded the Ministery of the Future, together with Klaas Sietse Spoelstra and other active citizens interested in intergenerational justice and long-termism.

About the CICC

The lecture takes place in the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC), a collaboration between Indian academic, writer, lawyer and activist Radha D’Souza and Dutch artist Jonas Staal, commissioned by Framer Framed. The project consists of a large-scale installation in the form of a tribunal for the prosecution of transnational corporations’ intergenerational climate crimes.

Ecology / Colonial history /


Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes - Jonas Staal

Exhibition: Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes

A project by Radha D'Souza and Jonas Staal


Book launch: Revolusi
A conversation with David Van Reybrouck, Wim Manuhutu, Sadiah Boonstra, Goenawan Mohamad and Amanda Pinatih


David Van Reybrouck

David Van Reybrouck

Cultural historian and writer

Meta Knol

Art historian
