Video: Megan Hoetger in conversation with Samia Henni
Watch a new video of curator Megan Hoetger in conversation with researcher and architectural historian Samia Henni about her exhibition, Performing Colonial Toxicity. The exhibition, presented in collaboration with If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution is on show until 14 January 2024. The project sheds light on the redacted history of French nuclear colonialism in the Algerian Sahara and draws attention to the urgency of reckoning with this history and its lived environmental and sociopolitical impacts.
Visit the Framer Framed YouTube Channel or watch below:
Interested in learning more? Read more about the exhibition here or visit us at on location at Oranje-Vrijstaatkade 71, Amsterdam!
The exhibition Performing Colonial Toxicity (2023-2024) is a co-production of Framer Framed and If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution. The project is supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. Special thanks to the Observatoire des armements, Centre de documentation et de recherche sur la paix et les conflits; the Établissement de communication et de production audiovisuelle de la Défense (ECPAD); and to filmmakers Élisabeth Leuvrey and Larbi Benchiha with producer Farid Rezkallah for use of images and film excerpts in the exhibition; as well as to Prof. Dr. Roxanne Panchasi, Simon Fraser University for her support for the Tamasheq-to-French translation of Algerian testimonies.
Image credit
Photograph by Bruno Barrillot, the co-founder of the Observatoire des armements in Lyon, France. The images were taken during a visit to France’s nuclear sites in Reggane and In Ekker in the Algerian Sahara, with the filmmaker Larbi Benchiha and his team in November 2007. Courtesy of Observatoire des armements.
Videography: Ryan Oduber
Editing: Frederique Pisuisse
Conflict / The living archive / Colonial history /

Exhibition: Performing Colonial Toxicity
An exhibition by researcher and architectural historian Samia Henni, in collaboration with If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution
Performance Lecture by Samia Henni
In the context of her exhibition 'Performing Colonial Toxicity' now on show at Framer Framed
Performing Colonial Toxicity Tour: The Testimony Translation Project
Guided tour reflecting on the testimony translations

Samia Henni
Architectural historian, Exhibition-maker