3 Mar –
21 Apr 2017
Open lecture series: Influence of colonialism on artistic expressions in former Dutch colonies
The chair Dutch-Caribbean Literature of the University of Amsterdam (held by prof. dr. Michiel van Kempen) and Framer Framed jointly organise a series of open lectures in March and April 2017, addressing the ways in which colonial history and structures have shaped the frameworks of what we nowadays define as ‘art’ in the so called West.
The focus is on two art disciplines specifically: visual arts and literature. In the series we will look at contemporary developments in the former Dutch colonies from a historical perspective. What has been the impact of the dominant colonial discourses on local cultural expressions in the visual arts and literature/oral history? To what extent were colonial, Western categories imposed on the former colonised countries, such as the sharp distinction between visual arts on the one hand and literature on the other? And what cultural forms emerged and are emerging in the complex process of decolonisation?
The series focuses on the relationship between art and society, multidisciplinary collaborations and the ways in which these varying disciplines relate to history and the world at large.
All lectures take place from 18:00 – 20:00 at the Framer Framed exhibition space. Lectures are either in Dutch (NL) or English (EN):
3 maart 2017
Caroline Drieënhuizen – Musea en Nederlands-Indië, ca. 1880-1950 [NL]
17 maart 2017
Remco Raben – The modern art & literature of the Indies/Indonesia [EN]
24 maart 2017
Gábor Pusztai – Het werk van Laszlo Székely, schrijver en beeldend kunstenaar [NL]
5 april 2017
Rose Mary Allen – The culture of Oral History in Curacao [EN]
(The visit of Rose Mary Allen to the Netherlands is supported by Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies)
7 april 2017
The work of Charles Landvreugd & Patricia Kaersenhout [EN]
11 april 2017
Sara Blokland – Srefidensi, photo archives, photo albums, memory & identity [EN]
14 april 2017
Paul Faber – Moderne kunst in het Caraïbisch gebied [NL]
Indonesia / Caribbean / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Lecture: Paul Faber - Modern Surinamese Art, 1945-1980
Lecture (in Dutch) on modern Surinamese art, by art historian & publicist Paul Faber.
Lecture: Sara Blokland - Srefidensi and the reproduction of a family history
Lecture by Sara Blokland, about her art and the the project SrefidensiFoto, photo archives and the role of memory and identity in her work.
Lecture: The work of artist Patricia Kaersenhout and artist Charl Landvreugd
Artists Patricia Kaersenhout & Charl Landvreugd will each present a lecture on their artistic practice.
Lecture: Rose Mary Allen - Oral history as autobiography
Lecture by Dr. Rose Mary Allen, on oral history in the context of Curacao.
Lecture: Gábor Pusztai on the work of László Székely
Lecture on the work by artist László Székely, who lived and worked in the former Dutch Indies.
Lecture: Remco Raben - The modern art & literature of the Indies/Indonesia
In this lecture, Remco Raben will discuss the cultural discourses in Indonesia in the 1940s and 1950s.
Lecture: Caroline Drieënhuizen - Musea in the Dutch East Indies
To what extent are museums reflective instrumental in the creation of colonial narratives, histories and national identities?

Caroline Drieënhuizen
Historicus en universitair docent

patricia kaersenhout
Visual artist, cultural activist, womanist

Remco Raben

Charl Landvreugd

Paul Faber
Curator, Author