Shared Heritage

Education / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology / South Africa /

Bookshop Selection / Action Research / Diaspora / Shared Heritage / Residencies /
Bookshop Selection: Archipelagic Affects

Bookshop Selection / Conflict / Ecology / Shared Heritage / The living archive / Colonial history /
Bookshop Selection: Colonial Toxicity by Samia Henni

Diaspora / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Podcast /
Podcast: Decolonizing the Gaze - Textile Cultural Heritage vs Colonialism

Education / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / South Africa /
Report: Shared Waters and Family Histories - An exchange with Camissa Museum in Capetown, SA

Shared Heritage /
Nederland gaat Verdrag van Faro ondertekenen

Shared Heritage / Curatorial Text / Gentrification /
Discomfort as (curatorial) strategy: A Funeral for Street Culture

Action Research / Community & Learning / Diaspora / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / South Africa /
Report: Decolonial Futures Winter School

Amsterdam Noord / Community & Learning / Shared Heritage / Migration / Molenwijk / Social Practice /
Wandkleed De Molenwijk

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Podcast Series: Black Togetherness

Museology / Shared Heritage / The living archive / Colonial history /
Pressing Matter: Ownership, Value and the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums

Community & Learning / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Report: Decolonial Futures with Ariella Aïsha Azoulay

Action Research / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / South Africa /
Report: Decolonial Futures with Aditi Jaganathan

Amsterdam Noord / Shared Heritage / Innovative heritage / Molenwijk / Oral History / Social Practice /
On the work of Bert Scholten resident at Werkplaats Molenwijk

Shared Heritage / Community & Learning / Colonial history / Art and Activism / South Africa /
Report: Sara Blokland's lecture as part of Decolonial Futures

Shared Heritage / Action Research / Community & Learning / Colonial history / South Africa /
Decolonial Futures: Second Term

Shared Heritage / Action Research / Community & Learning / Photography / Colonial history / South Africa /
Decolonial Futures: First Term

Ecology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Digital Archive: Decolonise Botanical Gardens

Ecology / Action Research / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Report: On the Future of Botanical Gardens

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Review: 'On the Nature of Botanical Gardens' at Framer Framed

Photography / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Report: Sara Blokland on Srefidensi and Reproduction of Family

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Report: Modern Indonesian painters in revolution and nation building

Museology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia /
Report: Musea and Dutch East Indies, lecture by Caroline Drieënhuizen

South Africa / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Interview with Judith Westerveld about her work 'The Remnant'

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /
Video: Suspended Histories

Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Exhibition: Suspended Histories at Museum van Loon

Shared Heritage / Indonesia /
Artist Talk: Arahmaiani at Museum Van Loon

Museology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Video: Contested History

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /
Video: Suspended Histories

Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Exhibition: 'Vroeger is een ver land'

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Report: Contested History

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Study Afternoon: Beyond Indië - The cultural decoloniastion of Indonesia

Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Book launch: What is Colonial Photography?

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Art in Public Space /
Report: Hacking History

Colonial history / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Museology /
Report: Symposium Contested History

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
The national symbol of openness - by Sylvia Pessireron

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Foute Keuzes

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Exhibition: Six Yards Guaranteed Dutch Design

Shared Heritage /
Video: Shared Heritage

Shared Heritage / Innovative heritage /
Report: Cultural Heritage and Shared Knowledge

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /
Report: Shared Heritage

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Video: Cultural Heritage

Museology / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Publication: Susan Legêne, Spiegelreflex

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Exhibition: Eastward Bound! Art, Culture and Colonialism

Exhibition: Shared Waters
Presentation of young people in Amsterdam and Cape Town searching for their roots, for mutual cultural connections past and present.

Exhibition: Temporary Monument - Srebrenica is Dutch history
By Bosnian Girl

Exhibition: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
Contemporary indonesian perspectives by nine Indonesian artists

Exhibition: Re(as)sisting Narratives in South Africa
Exploring lingering legacies of colonialism between South Africa and the Netherlands through engaging with contemporary artists from both countries

Exhibition: Re(as)sisting Narratives
Exploring lingering legacies of colonialism between South Africa and the Netherlands through engaging with contemporary artists from both countries