About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Mirelle van Tulder. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Announcement: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence

KITLV and Framer Framed are pleased to announce Mirelle van Tulder as the new Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence. Mirelle van Tulder will start her residency in 2024 followed by a public presentation in 2025 at Framer Framed.

About the Artist in Residence Program

The Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence program aims to sponsor and support concrete, innovative, provocative, and societally relevant projects. Artists in residence work on urgent topics at the intersection of art and culture, academic research, and scholarship in the field of Southeast Asian and/or Caribbean Studies, and in relation to (post)colonial theory and discourse. The recipient will receive a €10,000- grant to realise the project.

It is our great pleasure to announce Mirelle van Tulder as the selected artist for the coming year (2024-2025). The jurors’ stated, “We’re thrilled to honor Mirelle van Tulder, whose visual research and artistic trajectory shows a commitment to explore and make spaces to discuss the power dynamics and constructions of disciplinary boundaries such as graphic design, art history and anthropology. With her rich experience working with archival repositories over the past decade, we look forward to learning how her poetic interventions in the KITLV archive might offer new tools and spaces to address tumultuous histories of European museums, the complexities of postcolonial identity, and the ongoing discussion around displacement and belonging.”

On receiving the fellowship, Mirelle van Tulder stated: “Receiving this fellowship is an incredible honour. Over the past decade, I have witnessed how Framer Framed has shown a consistently ceremonial-political curatorial approach that is inspiring and sets an example for many others. I am extremely proud to be part of their journey in 2024. The Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence program allows me to continue bridging the gap between the archive and the contemporary Art world through visual and oral research, defined by and directed to, the Ancestors.”

About Mirelle van Tulder

Mirelle van Tulder holds an MA in Fine Art and Design from Werkplaats Typografie (2021-2023). She was a Research Associate at the Research Center for Material Culture, Wereldmuseum (2021-2023). Mirelle has worked as an image researcher for MacGuffin Magazine from 2019-2023.

In 2022, she founded the magazine and publishing house Roots to Fruits, that explores the intersections between music, archives, and resistance. Roots to Fruits has been included in Printed Matter’s New York Art Book Fair 2022, Offprint London 2023, and the Melbourne Art Book Fair 2023.

As Mirelle’s research expands and evolves, her work stands as a testament to her commitment to uncovering hidden histories and fostering dialogue around the power structures that shape graphic design, art history and society as a whole.

From the series Being Part European. © Mirelle van Tulder, 2023

During the Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence program, Mirelle plans to investigate how graphic design has determined the classification of cultures and objects. By re-contextualizing archived materials such as catalogues and photo albums, she aims to reclaim the authority of the material and its associated histories. The aim of her research is to help us understand how power is organized through publishing doctrines, and to reveal the colonising principles that structure them.


Framer Framed is a platform for contemporary art, visual culture, and critical theory and practice. Each year the organisation presents a variety of exhibitions alongside diverse cultural and educational programs at its main location in Amsterdam Oost, as well as its project space Werkplaats Molenwijk in Amsterdam Noord. With the belief that critical and contextualised programming is best explored with an open door and low threshold, Framer Framed’s public programs are always free of charge and resources are made readily available to emerging and established local and transnational communities, artists, and curators to turn their own ideas into tangible realities.

Atelier KITLV is inspired by a longer standing interest in exploring colonial structures of knowledge – in which the research institute KITLV was founded – and in seeking ways and forms to decolonize knowledge. At the same time, it is motivated by a need for an atelier in its own right, a place defined by experimentation among artistic and academic professionals in search of new methods, perspectives, and approaches.

The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) is an interdisciplinary research centre based in Leiden. It carries out innovative research across the humanities and social sciences domain and is part of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).


The members of the jury of the Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence are: Dr. David Kloos (Senior Researcher and Management Team at KITLV), Kerstin Winking (curator, writer and PhD candidate at Leiden University and guest researcher at KITLV), Alison Fischer (researcher and PhD candidate at KITLV) and Emily Shin-Jie Lee (researcher at Framer Framed and PhD candidate at University of Amsterdam)

Colonial history / The living archive / Residencies /


Exhibition: Anonim

Final presentation of Theo Frids Marulitua Hutabarat's Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence project.


Mirelle van Tulder

Clara Jo


Theo Frids Marulitua Hutabarat

