About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed



L’Age Atomique, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris. © Susanne Kriemann
Photography / Artist Talk / Ecology / Extractivism /

The Radioactive Afterlife of Limousin’s Landscape - Artist Talk by Susanne Kriemann

Photography / Eastern Europe / Ukraine / Workshop /

Stay Strong Photo Stories #5: The Ukraine edition

KAZAL: Narrating Haitian Memories - Curator Nicola Lo Calzo, Photo Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed
Curatorial Text / Caribbean / Conflict / Photography /

The Kazal Project: Tracing the Memory Through the Haitian Gaze

Edine Célestin
Caribbean / Conflict / Photography /

Edine Célestin' Essay to accompany 'KAZAL - Narrating Haitian Memories'

Photography / Caribbean / Conflict / Contested Heritage /

The Camera as Embodied Knowledge

Education / Amsterdam Noord / Amsterdam Oost / Photography / Molenwijk / Workshop /

Kunsteducatie, jongeren en COVID-19

Thuis in de Molenwijk - Werkplaats Molenwijk
Photography / Community & Learning / Migration / Molenwijk /

Photography project: At Home in Molenwijk

Photography / The living archive /

Cédric Kouamé celebrates the beauty of damage

Amsterdam Oost / Community & Learning / Education / Photography /

Stay Strong Photo Stories - about strength and patience in times of Covid

Photography / Queer /

Stephen Tayo on Capturing the Streets of Lagos

Shared Heritage / Action Research / Community & Learning / Photography / Colonial history / South Africa /

Decolonial Futures: First Term

Colombia / Caribbean / Photography /

Review: Colombia’s recent past packs a punch

Werkplaats Molenwijk
Education / Community & Learning / Feminism / Photography /

The City is Ours - Art Education between The Netherlands en Tunis

Southeast Asia / Extractivism / Photography /

Review: Art Asia Pacific - UnAuthorised Medium

Colonial history / Extractivism / Photography /

Review: A History Coloured by Belgians

Photography / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

Report: Sara Blokland on Srefidensi and Reproduction of Family

Zanele Muholi - Miss D'vine I (2007), collectie Museum Arnhem
Collection development / Photography /

Review: Identity in the age of globalism. A review of the exhibition 'What We Have Overlooked'

Feminism / Caribbean / Diaspora / Photography / Queer /

Article: Multiversum, a reflection upon the exhibition 'Embodied Spaces'

Fotografie: Anoek Steketee
Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Exhibition: 'Vroeger is een ver land'

Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Book launch: What is Colonial Photography?

Photography /

Exhibition: Bamako Encounters. Kiripi Katembo & Abdoulaye Barry

Photography / Colonial history / Museology /

Project: Photographs, Colonial Legacy and Museums in Contemporary European Culture

Feminism / Photography / Migration / Social Practice /

Self-Made? Women from former-Yugoslavia

Photography / Colonial history /

Publication: UNFIXED - Photography and Postcolonial Perspectives in Contemporary Art

Colonial history / Photography / Indonesia / Museology /

Report: Colonial Nostalgia

Photography / Colonial history /

Symposium: Photographs, Colonial Legacy and Museums in Contemporary European Culture

Photography / Colonial history /

Symposium: UNFIXED, Photography and Postcolonial Perspectives in Contemporary Art


Exhibition: The Anarchist Citizenship – People Made of Stories

Exhibition on how storytelling and visual culture (re)shape citizenship in Somaliland, the Somali region and its diaspora

Exhibition: Debaltsevo, Where Are You?

An exhibition by Karine Zenja Versluis about her quest to discover her roots and the process of creating her new publication.

Exhibition: A rising flower makes a garden

By Werkplaats Molenwijk artist in residence Ratu R. Saraswati (Saras)

Exhibition: KAZAL – Narrating Haitian Memories

With Kolektif 2 Dimansyon & Tessa Mars

Project: A Funeral for Street Culture

A group project by Metro54 and Rita Ouédraogo hosted by Framer Framed

Exhibition: Temporary Monument - Srebrenica is Dutch history

By Bosnian Girl

Exhibition: HERE/NOW - Current Visions from Colombia

Twenty artists presenting contemporary art and photojournalism created in the context of Colombia.

Exhibition: 50 Years' Molenwijk

The exhibition portrays ’50 Years of Molenwijk’ through a combination of existing material and new work by Florian Braakman

Exhibitions Werkplaats Molenwijk: Marie Hudelot, Suat Ögüt and Şengül Köker

Current exhibitions and programme

Exhibition: UnAuthorised Medium

A group show curated by Annie Jael Kwan

Exhibition: Chomma, with work by Jody Brand

Unseen exhibition in the public hallways of the Tolhuistuin, with work by South African photographer Jody Brand

Exhibition: HOME

With work by Marjan Teeuwen, Ezz Al Zanoon and Rawan Mahady, curated by Meta Knol

Side exhibition: Elyor Nematov

A view onto the daily lives of women in the Central Asian nation of Kyrgyzstan

Exhibition: Society by Akona Kenqu

With work by Akona Kenqu, on the skate culture in Johannesburg, South Africa

Exhibition: Common Ground

Featuring work by Charl Landvreugd and Antonio Jose Guzman

Exhibition: Crisis of History #3 - Beyond History

Curated by Robert Kluiver and Elham Puriyamehr

Exhibition: Maydan - Hundred Portraits

100 Faces of the Ukrainian revolution by Emeric Lhuisset

Exhibition: Crisis of History #1 - Welcome to the End of History

Curated by Robert Kluijver


Exhibition: The Anarchist Citizenship – People Made of Stories
Exhibition on how storytelling and visual culture (re)shape citizenship in Somaliland, the Somali region and its diaspora
Finissage Weekender – The Anarchist Citizenship: People Made of Stories
On Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 January 2025, Framer Framed concludes the exhibition The Anarchist Citizenship: People Made of Stories with a weekend of talks, performances, music and celebrations.
Stay Strong Photo Stories #6
Photo project for Ukrainian newcomers in Amsterdam, led by Karine Zenja Verluis in collaboration with Framer Framed
Guided Tour – The Anarchist Citizenship: People Made of Stories
Framer Framed invites you to join a guided tour of the exhibition The Anarchist Citizenship: People Made of Stories
Artist Talk by Susanne Kriemann: Lupin, fougère, genêt
Presentation on artistic research on the effects of uranium mining.
Opening The Anarchist Citizenship: People Made of Stories
Opening of the exhibition which examines how storytelling, visual culture, architecture and social life (re)shape citizenship in Somaliland, the Somali region and its diaspora
Book Launch: Debaltsevo, Where Are You?
by Karine Zenja Versluis book launch and exhibition opening
Exhibition: Debaltsevo, Where Are You?
An exhibition by Karine Zenja Versluis about her quest to discover her roots and the process of creating her new publication.
Exhibition: A rising flower makes a garden
By Werkplaats Molenwijk artist in residence Ratu R. Saraswati (Saras)
Book Launch: Stay Strong Photo Stories
Photos and stories of love, loneliness, hope and connection made during the lockdown
Photography Workshop: How to photograph a memory
By KAZAL photographers Georges Rouzier & Reginald Louissaint Jr. members of Kolektif 2 Dimansyon
Exhibition: KAZAL – Narrating Haitian Memories
With Kolektif 2 Dimansyon & Tessa Mars
Opening: KAZAL - Narrating Haitian Memories
With Georges H. Rouzier, Reginald Louissaint Jr., Tessa Mars & Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken
Finissage: Thuis in de Molenwijk
A festive conclusion of the exhibition at Werkplaats Molenwijk
Exhibition: At Home in Molenwijk
A Retrospective on 'Home in the Molenwijk' at Werkplaats Molenwijk
Project: A Funeral for Street Culture
A group project by Metro54 and Rita Ouédraogo hosted by Framer Framed
At Home in Molenwijk
The photography project for newcomers in the Molenwijk
Stay Strong Photo Stories
Online photo project for youth
Finissage: Temporary Monument – Srebrenica is Dutch History
A tour along 25 portrait photos on the Oranje-Vrijstaatkade led by Chris Keulemans
Exhibition: Temporary Monument - Srebrenica is Dutch history
By Bosnian Girl
Taal voor eenzaamheid
Educational program with more than 100 students from four high schools in Amsterdam
Finissage: HERE/NOW at Beautiful Distress House
The exhibition at Beautiful Distress House is on view until 3 April, at Framer Framed until 30 June.
Symposium: HERE/NOW Current Visions from Colombia
At Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, in the context of exhibition HERE/NOW at Framer Framed and Beautiful Distress House
Exhibition: HERE/NOW - Current Visions from Colombia
Twenty artists presenting contemporary art and photojournalism created in the context of Colombia.
The City is Ours #2: Fotografie & burgerschap
Uitwisselingsproject tussen Amsterdam en Tunis.
Black Queerness & Diasporic Lives
An event on everyday intergenerational black queer social life, love and communities to look into the embodied experience of Black Queer people in Europe.
Exhibition: 50 Years' Molenwijk
The exhibition portrays ’50 Years of Molenwijk’ through a combination of existing material and new work by Florian Braakman
Exhibitions Werkplaats Molenwijk: Marie Hudelot, Suat Ögüt and Şengül Köker
Current exhibitions and programme
Unseen Amsterdam 2018
Framer Framed is part of the City Programme and the Open Gallery Night (22 September), with exhibition UnAuthorised Medium.
Exhibition: UnAuthorised Medium
A group show curated by Annie Jael Kwan
Finissage: A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes
With Sammy Baloji, Georges Senga Assani and Heleen Debeuckelaere.
Curator tour: A Blueprint for Toads and Snakes
A tour by Vincent van Velsen.
Exhibition: Chomma, with work by Jody Brand
Unseen exhibition in the public hallways of the Tolhuistuin, with work by South African photographer Jody Brand
Exhibition: HOME
With work by Marjan Teeuwen, Ezz Al Zanoon and Rawan Mahady, curated by Meta Knol
Lecture: Sara Blokland - Srefidensi and the reproduction of a family history
Lecture by Sara Blokland, about her art and the the project SrefidensiFoto, photo archives and the role of memory and identity in her work.
Unseen: tours Re(as)sisting Narratives, door Judith Westerveld
Unseen Photography Photo Fair & Festival tours by artist Judith Westerveld.
Exhibition: Common Ground
Featuring work by Charl Landvreugd and Antonio Jose Guzman
Akona Kenqu - photography series Society now for sale
The photography series Society by Akona Kenqu (ZA) has been exhibited at Framer Framed from March-May 2016.
Side exhibition: Elyor Nematov
A view onto the daily lives of women in the Central Asian nation of Kyrgyzstan
Conversation with photographer and researcher Marjolein van Pagee
Research on the so-called ‘Politionele Acties’ of the Netherlands in Indonesia; the Dutch military interventions during the Indonesian National Revolution.
Exhibition: Society by Akona Kenqu
With work by Akona Kenqu, on the skate culture in Johannesburg, South Africa
Exhibition: Look across the water!
A photographic exchange project between youngsters from Amsterdam Noord and Brooklyn, NY.
Exhibition: Crisis of History #3 - Beyond History
Curated by Robert Kluiver and Elham Puriyamehr
Exhibition: Maydan - Hundred Portraits
100 Faces of the Ukrainian revolution by Emeric Lhuisset
Exhibition: Crisis of History #1 - Welcome to the End of History
Curated by Robert Kluijver
Book launch: Changing Perspectives & UNFIXED
Two upcoming publications give an impression of the current debate on globalisation and diversity in contemporary art.
The artist as anthropologist
Debate about the boundaries between art and science