Social Practice

Caribbean / Social Practice / Textile /

Bookshop Selection / Art and Activism / Art in Public Space / Social Practice /
Bookshop selection: Met Emmer en Kwast - by Eric Duivenvoorden

Social Practice / Caribbean /
Michèle Boulogne nominated for Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst’s 3Package Deal

Amsterdam Noord / Feminism / Molenwijk / Social Practice / Workshop /
Recap: Wish-talisman workshop - Crafting and speaking together in the Molenwijk

Bookshop Selection / Social Practice /
Bookshop Selection: Visible – Art as Policies of Care

Molenwijk / Amsterdam Noord / Community & Learning / Queer / Social Practice /
Framer Framed nominates Sun Chang for YAA Award 2024

Collection development / Diaspora / Migration / Social Practice /
Humanity and melancholy in the model of azc Klompjan

Education / Social Practice / Workshop /
AI and creativity: Older adults drawing together with robots

Education / Amsterdam Noord / Molenwijk / Social Practice /
Zelf gemaakt! in de Molenwijk

Amsterdam Noord / Molenwijk / Residencies / Social Practice / Textile /
A dialogue of embroidery: from Kosovo to Molenwijk with Jakup Ferri

Collectives / Indonesia / Podcast / Social Practice /
Podcast: Art in Solidarity - Taring Padi’s 25-Year Artistic Evolution

Amsterdam Oost / Education / East Asia / Social Practice / Workshop /
From Montessori Lyceum Oost to Tokyo: How I feel is not your problem, period

Podcast / Social Practice /
Podcast: Emily Shin-Jie Lee on the making of 'Art for (and within) a Citizen Scene'

Feminism / Molenwijk / Social Practice /
Report: M•Other's Day in Molenwijk

Indonesia / Amsterdam Noord / Molenwijk / Residencies / Social Practice /
The Garden as Material, Map, Metaphor, State of Mind

Migration / Social Practice /
It began in caravan 404 - a story about a maquette without a residence permit

Molenwijk / Action Research / Citizenship / Community & Learning / Social Practice / Workshop /
Social Practice Workshop at the Rijksakademie in partnership with Framer Framed

Amsterdam Noord / Molenwijk / Residencies / Social Practice /
Interview: Back to the Drawing Board With Anan Striker

Amsterdam Noord / Community & Learning / Shared Heritage / Migration / Molenwijk / Social Practice / Textile /
Wandkleed De Molenwijk

Artist Talk / Community & Learning / Molenwijk / Residencies / Social Practice /
Interview: Extraordinary Twists in Molenwijk with Anan Striker

Art and Activism / Community & Learning / Migration / Queer / Social Practice /
Interview: LIMBO co-creators Fabian Holle, Noa Bawits, and participating artist Ariya

Collectives / Community & Learning / Migration / Social Practice /
Expanding the Notion of the Constituent Museum: On the Practices of Framer Framed

Education / Amsterdam Oost / Social Practice / Workshop /
Ode aan de Twijfel

Amsterdam Noord / Shared Heritage / Innovative heritage / Molenwijk / Oral History / Social Practice /
On the work of Bert Scholten resident at Werkplaats Molenwijk

Citizenship / Action Research / Community & Learning / Art and Activism / Politics and technology / Social Practice / Southeast Asia /
Workshop Report: Hybrid eXperience

Community & Learning / Education / Social Practice /
Interview: Teacher as conceptual artist - Jorge Lucero

Art and Activism / Social Practice /
The Art of Documenting the Undocumented

Migration / Social Practice /
Review: On the practices and responsibilities of socially engaged art

Feminism / Photography / Migration / Social Practice /
Self-Made? Women from former-Yugoslavia

Open Studio: Weaving a Pluriversity
A series of gatherings on the human connection to our environments, organised by the Pluriversity Weavers

Exhibition: Homies
Exhibition and clothing shop selling a fashion line produced by members of the art collective We Sell Reality

Exhibition: Shakallaka
A Werkplaats Molenwijk exhibition about fantasy, magic and making new memories.

Exhibition: Koppig
Exhibition from the students of Kolom Praktijkcollege Noord for the project Zelf gemaakt!

Exhibition: Tanah Merdeka
An exhibition with the Indonesian art & activist collective, Taring Padi, reflecting on the concept of land as the object and site of decolonial struggles.

Exhibition: While Awaiting an Unknown Future
With work by Karen G. & Ribal El Khatib — made during their stay in an asylum seekers' centre (asielzoekerscentrum)

Project: Do It Together - DIT
DIT is a kitchen / a tent / a learning playground / a workshop...................

Exhibition: GEEF
Werkplaats Molenwijk exhibition by Bert Scholten

Exhibition: Powerplay – Deals All Over
A colourful installation by collective We Sell Reality

Exhibition: Taking Stock
by Mariam Elnozahy, Wouter Osterholt, Elke Uitentuis

Exhibition: Shaping Feelings
An online presentation of Framer Framed in collaboration with Amsterdam Museum

Exhibition: The City is Ours (Werkplaats Molenwijk)
With installations, photography, and videos made by young women in Amsterdam and Tunis, reflecting their visions on what our cities should look like