Politics and technology

Ukraine / New media / Palestine / Politics and technology /

Podcast / Politics and technology /
Podcast: Digital Doppelgangers. Art and the Failure of Facial Recognition

Podcast / Artist Talk / Conflict / Eastern Europe / Politics and technology /
Podcast: UKRAiNATV - Art in the Shadow of War

Podcast / Artist Talk / Conflict / Eastern Europe / Politics and technology /
Podcast: Terror Element with Anna Engelhardt & Mark Cinkevich

Curatorial Text / Colonial history / Art and Activism / Politics and technology /
Curatorial Statement: Art and the Battle for Truth

Politics and technology / Subversive Publishing / Workshop /
Online Critical Reflection, a Fable from the Past?

Podcast / Politics and technology / Subversive Publishing /
Podcast: Going Hybrid - A Deep Dive into Cultural Publishing and Programming

Community & Learning / Ecology / Art and Activism / Politics and technology / Workshop /
Report #2: Framer Framed in the 2022 Disaster Haggyo

Art and Activism / Community & Learning / Ecology / East Asia / Politics and technology / Workshop /
Report #1: Framer Framed in the 2022 Disaster Haggyo

Citizenship / Community & Learning / Art and Activism / Politics and technology / Southeast Asia /
Workshop Report: Doodle Lecture and Musical Hangout

Citizenship / Action Research / Community & Learning / Art and Activism / Politics and technology / Social Practice / Southeast Asia /
Workshop Report: Hybrid eXperience

Citizenship / Action Research / Art and Activism / Politics and technology /
Report: Meme-ify: An Attempt to Dance Through Pain with Humour

Politics and technology / Digital commons & democracy / Art and Activism /
Audrey Tang - We have to keep defining what is the inter in internet

Art and Activism / New media / Politics and technology /
Midia Ninja counterattack - On indigenous activism and land rights

New media / Politics and technology /
Interview: Curators of exhibition As If, Annet Dekker, David Garcia and Ian Alan Paul

Politics and technology / Art and Activism / New media /
How much of this is fiction at FACT, Liverpool

The living archive / Middle East / New media / Politics and technology /
Report: Public Debate 'Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive'

Politics and technology / Art and Activism / New media /
Review: the art of deception. A discussion of the exhibition 'As If'

Politics and technology / Art and Activism / New media /
Exhibition review: the artist as charlatan, discussing the exhibition ‘As If’

New media / Digital commons & democracy / Politics and technology /
Report: Conference 'The Society of Post-Control'

Politics and technology /
Report: event #PRIVATE

Exhibition: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis
Exhibition about the commodification of knowledge and ignorance, curated by Mi You and David Garcia

Exhibition: As If - The Media Artist as Trickster
On politically inspired media art that uses deception in all its forms. Curated by Annet Dekker and David Garcia i.c.w. Ian Alan Paul

Exhibition: Voices Outside the Echo Chamber
Questioning Myths, Facts and Framings of Migration, curated by Katayoun Arian