About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed



Colonial history / Indonesia / Residencies / Southeast Asia /

Framer Framed in Surabaya – Sensible Past: Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame

Collectives / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /

From Tanah Merdeka to Tanah Tumpah Darah: Taring Padi in Brisbane, Australia

Collectives / Indonesia / Podcast / Social Practice /

Podcast: Art in Solidarity - Taring Padi’s 25-Year Artistic Evolution

Collectives / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /

The making of Tanah Merdeka - Dialogue through collaborative practices

Collectives / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /

An introduction to the exhibition Tanah Merdeka - by Alexander Supartono

Collectives / Curatorial Text / Indonesia / Colonial history / Art and Activism /

Seeking Restorative Processes by Benjamin Seroussi

Indonesia / Amsterdam Noord / Molenwijk / Residencies / Social Practice /

The Garden as Material, Map, Metaphor, State of Mind

Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /

Colonialism in museums: Islamic art from Indonesia

Indonesia / Collectives / Art and Activism / Southeast Asia /

Taring Padi, Solidarity in Public Space - by Kerstin Winking

Indonesia / Collection development / Ecology / Colonial history / Museology /

On the (de)coloniality of Kebun Raya Bogor, museum objects and contemporary Indonesian art

Colonial history / Indonesia / Art and Activism / Residencies /

Announcement: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence

Ecology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Digital Archive: Decolonise Botanical Gardens

Indonesia / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Amsterdam: Postcolonial Processes

Ecology / Action Research / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Report: On the Future of Botanical Gardens

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

Review: 'On the Nature of Botanical Gardens' at Framer Framed

Indonesia / Colonial history /

On Power and Other Things – by Sophia Zürcher

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

Report: Modern Indonesian painters in revolution and nation building

Indonesia /

Report: Lecture by Gábor Pusztai on the work of László Székely

Indonesia / Colonial history /

Report: What is modern Indonesian art?

Museology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia /

Report: Musea and Dutch East Indies, lecture by Caroline Drieënhuizen

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Video: Suspended Histories

Indonesia /

Event: An evening about Indonesian contemporary art

Shared Heritage / Indonesia /

Artist Talk: Arahmaiani at Museum Van Loon

Foto: Cas Bool
Museology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Video: Contested History

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Video: Suspended Histories

Fotografie: Anoek Steketee
Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Exhibition: 'Vroeger is een ver land'

Contested Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Physical anthropology in the Netherlands East Indies, ca. 1890-1960

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Report: Contested History

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Study Afternoon: Beyond Indië - The cultural decoloniastion of Indonesia

Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Book launch: What is Colonial Photography?

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Art in Public Space /

Report: Hacking History

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

The national symbol of openness - by Sylvia Pessireron

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Art in Public Space /

Foute Keuzes

Indonesia / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /

'Ja, zo ging dat nou eenmaal in de kolonie', een column van Nancy Jouwe

Indonesia / Colonial history /

Speech: Van Heutsz door de mal van het heden, door John Jansen van Galen

Indonesia / Colonial history / Art in Public Space /

A Colonial Wound

Foto: Marc Pluim
Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Textile /

Exhibition: Six Yards Guaranteed Dutch Design

Colonial history / Photography / Indonesia / Museology /

Report: Colonial Nostalgia

Indonesia / Bookshop Selection / Book Launch /

Book Launch: A Well Respected Man or Book of Echoes

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /

Exhibition: Eastward Bound! Art, Culture and Colonialism

Indonesia / Global Art History / Colonial history /

Exhibition: Beyond the Dutch


Exhibition: Sensible Past in Surabaya – Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame

Group exhibition in Surabaya, Indonesia with Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed artists-in-residence

Exhibition: Stories of Wounds and Wonder

Presentation of the artistic research & experimental children's book by researcher, writer and pedagogue Nuraini Juliastuti

Exhibition: Anonim

Final presentation of Theo Frids Marulitua Hutabarat's Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence project.

Exhibition: Tanah Merdeka

An exhibition with the Indonesian art & activist collective, Taring Padi, reflecting on the concept of land as the object and site of decolonial struggles.

Project: Do It Together - DIT

DIT is a kitchen / a tent / a learning playground / a workshop...................

Exhibition: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens

Contemporary indonesian perspectives by nine Indonesian artists
Based on drawing by Ervance ‘Havefun’ Dwiputra / Design by Diego Montero Ris

Exhibition: Pressing Matters

Featuring 24 Indonesian artists brought together by artist Kevin van Braak
Foto's Michiel Landeweerd

Exhibition: herman de vries / basic values

Exhibition with works by artist herman de vries; a celebration of the cultural and biological diversity of Indonesia. Curated by Roel Arkesteijn


Presentation: Documenting the Ecological Crisis Through Stories of Seaweed and Coastal Culture
Presentation in collaboration with the research project Seaweed Et cetera, about seaweed farming off the coasts of Indonesia
Exhibition: Sensible Past in Surabaya – Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame
Group exhibition in Surabaya, Indonesia with Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed artists-in-residence
Planetary Poetics: Ancestral Assemblage
A gathering by artist Ismal Muntaha and Planetary Poetics
Guided Tour: Stories of Wounds and Wonder
Guided tour with the author of Stories of Wounds and Wonder, Nuraini Juliastuti
Book Launch: Stories of Wounds and Wonder
Reading of the play and publication Stories of Wounds and Wonder by artist Nuraini Juliastuti
Exhibition: Stories of Wounds and Wonder
Presentation of the artistic research & experimental children's book by researcher, writer and pedagogue Nuraini Juliastuti
Exhibition: Anonim
Final presentation of Theo Frids Marulitua Hutabarat's Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence project.
Roundtable Conversation: Tanah Merdeka
Roundtable conversation with researchers and curators from different art museums and institutions within the context of Taring Padi's exhibition, Tanah Merdeka.
Exhibition: Tanah Merdeka
An exhibition with the Indonesian art & activist collective, Taring Padi, reflecting on the concept of land as the object and site of decolonial struggles.
Opening: Tanah Merdeka
Opening of the exhibition Tanah Merdeka with works by the Indonesian art collective Taring Padi and collaborators.
Film screening: Indisch Zwijgen
Film screening, exhibition & spoken word workshop
Atelier KITLV: Declaring Distance
Ways of imagining and engaging with the colonial archive with Atelier KITLV
Workshop: Wayang Kardus - Struggle and Solidarity with Taring Padi
A two-day workshop by Taring Padi with food, conversations, jamming sessions and the production of cardboard puppets
Project: Do It Together - DIT
DIT is a kitchen / a tent / a learning playground / a workshop...................
Book launch: Revolusi
A conversation with David Van Reybrouck, Wim Manuhutu, Sadiah Boonstra, Goenawan Mohamad and Amanda Pinatih
Artist Talk: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
With the participation of: Zico Albaquni, Arahmaiani, Lifepatch members Agung ‘Geger’ Firmanto and Agus 'Timbil' Tri Budiarto, along with the curator Sadiah Boonstra.
Re-visiting Botanical Gardens
Nieuwe perspectieven op het netwerk van Nederlandse botanische tuinen
Exhibition: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
Contemporary indonesian perspectives by nine Indonesian artists
Opening: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
Contemporary Indonesian Perspectives
Memoria Plantae: Perspectives on the Dutch Botanical Network
A conversation with Sadiah Boonstra, Andreas Weber en Jennifer Tosch in the lead-up to our upcoming exhibition
Expertmeeting & Exhibition reading, Westfries Museum
An event about museum presentation policies in relation to historically charged topics.
Symposium: UnAuthorised Medium - Return and Repatriation
Symposium as part of the opening weekend for exhibition UnAuthorised Medium.
Finissage: Pressing Matters & Workshop 'Also-Class'
With artists reinaart vanhoe and Shraddha Borawake on the topic 'also-space', and a guided tour by artist Kevin van Braak.
Pressing Matters: Exhibition tour & artist talk with Ignasius Dicky Takndare
Joined in conversation by artist Kevin van Braak & moderator Nancy Jouwe.
Film screening 'Jalan'
A film about informal street economy in Jogjakarta, by artist Su Tomesen. Presented in the context of exhibition 'Pressing Matters'.
Printing sessions Pentagonal Icositetrahedron
During the course of the exhibition there will be several printing sessions where new prints are produced and added to the exhibition.
Exhibition: Pressing Matters
Featuring 24 Indonesian artists brought together by artist Kevin van Braak
Opening: Pressing Matters
In presence of artists Kevin van Braak and Ipeh Nur
Lecture: Iwan Sewandono - The outframed framed in: modern Indonesian Painters
Lecture by anthropologist Iwan Sewandono, on modern Indonesian painters in the Dutch Indies, in the 1930s and after.
Lecture: Remco Raben - The modern art & literature of the Indies/Indonesia
In this lecture, Remco Raben will discuss the cultural discourses in Indonesia in the 1940s and 1950s.
Lecture: Caroline Drieënhuizen - Musea in the Dutch East Indies
To what extent are museums reflective instrumental in the creation of colonial narratives, histories and national identities?
Open lecture series: Influence of colonialism on artistic expressions in former Dutch colonies
March/April 2017.
Dutch & Indonesian perspectives on 1945-1949
Event with Histori Bersama foundation / Marjolein van Pagee in collaboration Koneksi-Connectie on Dutch & Indonesian historical perspectives.
Conversation with photographer and researcher Marjolein van Pagee
Research on the so-called ‘Politionele Acties’ of the Netherlands in Indonesia; the Dutch military interventions during the Indonesian National Revolution.
Exhibition: herman de vries / basic values
Exhibition with works by artist herman de vries; a celebration of the cultural and biological diversity of Indonesia. Curated by Roel Arkesteijn
Table Ronde: Oral History in the Jewish Historical Museum
On the role of personal stories in the museum.
Symposium: Suspended Histories
On the colonial past of the Van Loon family, and ways in which that past is presented and represented in Museum Van Loon.
Hacking History
A brainstorming about the relationship between the Netherlands and Indonesia and its representation in public space.
Symposium: Contested History
A symposium on the (re)presentation of Dutch-Indonesian colonial history in museums.
Presence of an Absence
An investigation into the relationship between objects, experiences and identity.
Symposium: Shared Heritage - Theory and Practice
A symposium on the traces of Dutch colonial history in the Netherlands and the former Dutch colonies overseas.