About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Framer Framed turns the space into an Open Atelier for art therapy

Framer Framed has been working closely with i-psy Arts since the beginning of 2020. i-psy Arts is a program for patients of the intercultural psychiatry (i-psy) of Amsterdam. The organisation focuses on patients with a migrant background and specialises in intercultural psychiatry. The collaboration consists of an Open Atelier.

Framer Framed has been working with i-psy Arts since the beginning of 2020. During the first corona lockdown the collaborated consisted of an online workshop series. i-psy Arts is a programme for patients of the intercultural psychiatry (i-psy) of Amsterdam. i-psy is an organisation that falls under the policy of the GGZ institution ‘Parnassia Groep’. The organisation focuses on patients with a migrant background and specialises in intercultural psychiatry. The cooperation suddenly took on a very concrete form: some of the participants were out of work due to budget cuts. Since September 2020, there is an Open Atelier in Framer Framed on Mondays.

During the coronary crisis, the Parnassia Group indicated that they wanted to stop the specialist mental healthcare programmes with the aim of reducing costs and make the treatments cheaper. This has major consequences, especially for patients who are still under treatment and suddenly had to stop their treatment. The decision was taken during a period that is already very difficult for people with mental health problems. Precisely in this difficult time, an open atelier proved crucial and Framer Framed decided to make space available for the Open Atelier.

‣  In the Open Atelier you can work freely with visual materials. You will not receive an assignment.

‣  You can walk in and out whenever it suits you. You don’t need to make an appointment or call.

‣  Some participants are familiar with visual materials and others are not. Some participants have had artistic eduction in their country of origin or have worked as artists, others have no experience at all with working with visual materials. That’s all right, experience with art is not necessary for the Open Atelier. In the Open Atelier, you work among other people. It is a place where many differences come together. You can learn from each other, inspire and be inspired.

The concept of an Open Atelier was inspired by the set-up of ‘Studio Upstairs‘ in London. Suzanne Delshadian, the founder and coordinator of i-psy Arts, was inspired by the approach: not just a treatment centre that provides art as an introspective leisure activity, but a place where people experience that by creating art, both privately and publicly, they can develop and change themselves. Guided by artists, visual therapists, psychotherapists and people from the art world. The Monday meetings are guided by Laura van den Dungen and Betül Ellialtioglu (Framer Framed).

Participants in the Open Studio can learn new creative techniques and experiment. The art object created can be used to reflect, gain new insights and bring about changes. Although the participants each have a different cultural background and different ages, we will strive to create a group where solidarity and equality are central. The open studio brings the possibility to stimulate participants to show their art to the public by exhibiting the work. The art created, and thus the artist, is taken seriously.

During the first corona lockdown in March 2020, this collaboration took shape in the Stay Strong Photo Stories that was created through online workshops and personal assignments. The workshops focused on the corona period, which for many people brought with it feelings of uncertainty. Based on the workshops, participants worked on concrete assignments in which they used images to tell a story and visualise their daily lives. Subjects such as nature, love, loneliness and hope, but also sports, cooking and music appear to be important. In addition, many of the photographs were taken indoors.

Andre singing to keep your distance at 1.5m

Since September 2020 the artist community works every Monday from Framer Framed during their art therapy. The Open Atelier community works with the guidance of the lead art therapists: Suzanne Delshadian and her team Laura van den Dungen and Ruth Oppel.

Mayıs: “I am very happy that there is a cooperation between i-psy Amsterdam and Framer Framed. I feel the synergy between the organisations. During our open atelier activities at Framer Framed we are surrounded by art and people also keep working on their art. Before I was feeling alone and lost. Now, I realise that I created a bond, a relationship, between myself and the city. It is alive, and I am also part of it.”

In the coming years, we want to intensify the collaboration: expand the studio, create exhibitions together, facilitate workshops, realise public programmes and offer work or internship placements. For more information about i-psy Arts, please contact , Josien Pieterse and Betül Ellialtioglu (Framer Framed), and Suzanne Delshadian and Laura van den Dungen (i-psy Arts).

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Dutch article about the Parnassia Group’s decision to stop the specialist mental healthcare programmes : Algemeen Dagblad, 1 juni 2020: “Geschokte reacties om Parnassiabesluit: ‘Dan krijg je weer dat de politie het mag oplossen”.

Open Atelier / Community & Learning /


Exhibition: Metamorphosis Manifesting

The Open Atelier community invites you to explore the various stages and experiences that shape each artist's unique creative journey

Exhibition: Hybrid Garden

By the Open Atelier

Exhibition: Reflections

by i-psy Open Atelier

Exhibition: Proud Aliens

A colourful exhibition by Framer Framed's Open Atelier

Exhibition: Shaping Feelings

An online presentation of Framer Framed in collaboration with Amsterdam Museum

Exhibition: Drawing Stories

An online presentation of Framer Framed in collaboration with Amsterdam Museum


Finissage: Reflections by the Open Atelier
A joyful final day of the exhibition at Framer Framed
Opening: Reflections by Open Atelier
14th Annual Exhibition of i-psy Open Atelier Amsterdam
Finissage: Proud Aliens
Music, food, drinks and henna to celebrate the last day of the group show by Open Atelier
Opening: Proud Aliens & QUEER
Exhibition opening of Framer Framed's Open Atelier and a new public installation by United Painting: QUEER
Make a Wish
A Group Exhibition with i-psy Open Atelier Artists



Artist and director



Shevan van der Lugt

Suzanne Delshadian

Suzanne Delshadian

Therapy coordinator i-psy

Betül Ellialtıoğlu

Communication and PR

Anne Krul

