24 Jun –
24 Jul 2022
Exhibition: Reflections
Framer Framed cordially invites you to Reflections, the 14th annual exhibition of i-psy Arts – an organisation specialising in intercultural psychiatry. The i-psy community-based in Amsterdam has been working at Framer Framed as the Open Atelier for the past two years. This year, together with the Amsterdam group, i-psy’s Utrecht, Arnhem and Almere locations will showcase a range of works reflecting on identity, resilience, community care and alternative methods of healing.
The Open Atelier is a collaborative project with i-psy Arts Amsterdam that has been going on since the beginning of 2020. The community consists of migrant artists. Every Monday, the group meets at Framer Framed to experiment with various forms of art. The Open Atelier provides art therapy and alternative methods of healing and care under the guidance of art therapist Suzanne Delshadian and her team. Apart from giving a space and tools for the artists, the project opens up a space for community-building and solidarity. Through organising annual exhibitions at Framer Framed, the participants are encouraged to display their art publicly; thus, making an important shift from private to public.
Due to major cuts in psychiatric funds in the Netherlands, the Amsterdam location of i-psy will shut its doors, and the art therapy program, which had been going on for fourteen years will, unfortunately, come to an end. Thus, this year’s group show is particularly important for the community, in which they will showcase various collaborative and individual artworks. Sebastian Rypson, the curator of the first-ever i-psy exhibition is the curator for Reflections, which can be visited from 24 June until 24 July at Framer Framed.
The works will be exhibited in Rozet in Arnhem from 23 September to 15 December 2022, together with a wider collection coming from other i-psy locations. Read more
24 June 2022, 17:00-19:00h
i-psy is a specialist in intercultural psychiatry for people with different social and cultural backgrounds and various psychological problems. Since 2009 the visual therapy team of i-psy organises an exhibition every year for and with artists from the open studios.
Framer Framed is a platform for contemporary art, visual culture, and critical theory & practice. Each year the organisation presents a variety of exhibitions in collaboration with both emerging and established international curators and artists. An extensive public program is organised alongside these exhibitions in order to shed light on the topics concerned and provide a wide range of perspectives. With this common space for dialogue, Framer Framed aims to show a plurality of voices in a globalised society.
Special thanks to
Sebastian Rypson, Joachim Djavadi, Karla Troncoso, Michelle Sijmons, Pete Purnell, Joana Kazmaier, Diamante Volpe, Carol Tarr and The Listening Rooms
Framer Framed’s Open Atelier Project Coordinators
Suzanne Delshadian (i-psy Arts), Betül Ellialtioğlu (Framer Framed)
Made possible with the support of
Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap; Stadsdeel Oost; Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.
Community & Learning / Migration /

Exhibition: Metamorphosis Manifesting
The Open Atelier community invites you to explore the various stages and experiences that shape each artist's unique creative journey

Exhibition: Hybrid Garden
By the Open Atelier

Exhibition: Proud Aliens
A colourful exhibition by Framer Framed's Open Atelier
Finissage: Reflections by the Open Atelier
A joyful final day of the exhibition at Framer Framed
Opening: Reflections by Open Atelier
14th Annual Exhibition of i-psy Open Atelier Amsterdam
Make a Wish
A Group Exhibition with i-psy Open Atelier Artists

Betül Ellialtıoğlu
Communication and PR

Anne Krul

Podcast: Open Atelier

'depend on me' brings together professional and non-professional artists

Meet the Open Atelier Community

Framer Framed turns the space into an Open Atelier for art therapy