22 Oct –
6 Dec 2015
Exhibition: Koempels
October 22nd – December 6, 2015
Framer Framed in the Tolhuistuin
IJpromenade 2
Framer Framed in the Tolhuistuin is accessible from Amsterdam Centraal Station with the ferry to ‘Buiksloterweg’. The entrance to the building is located directly on the cycle-path adjacent to the river IJ. The exhibition space is then accesible through the restaurant THT.
October 22nd til December 6th 2015
Presented to you by Framer Framed and SCHUNCK*
The exhibition Koempels opened on Thursday October 22nd, 18:00 at Framer Framed. The opening was in presence of artists and curator and writer/journalist/presentor Marcia Luyten gave a short introduction.
Koempels is a word from a dialect spoken in Limburg, a province in the south of the Netherlands, and means ‘mineworker’ but also ‘buddy’. The exhibition presents a new generation of a group of painters called ‘Amsterdamse Limburgers’ from the 1950s. In the exhibition, contemporary painting is combined with social and art historical research. Different cultures from the South and the North of the Netherlands are brought together in imagery, outlining how the relationship between periphery and centre has changed since the closing of the mines in Limburg (exactly 50 years ago).
Koempels is curated by Lene ter Haar in cooperation with Rik Meijers, and presents the work of seven different artists;
Joan van Barneveld
Hadassah Emmerich
Fons Haagmans
Sidi El Karchi
Keetje Mans
Rik Meijers
Bas de Wit
Koempels is supported by: Framer Framed, SCHUNCK*, Mondriaan Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, M2015 and Tolhuistuin.
- De Groene Amsterdammer - Koempels door Koen Kleijn
- Volkskrant - Koempels door Jeanne Prisser
- Koempels Handout (2015) - NL
Extractivism / Ecology /
David Bade Draws Heerlen: Amsterdam Edition
Artist David Bade visits Framer Framed with his mobile workspace.
Mining, Memories and the Body: An evening with a.o. Melanie Bonajo
Addressing the politics and poetics of changing industries, such as mining.
Museumnight Amsterdam 2015
Documentary, spoken word, Music and guided tours.
Industrial Transitions: on the NSDM Shipyard and the former Dutch mining regions
Discussion on the transitions of post-industrial area's.
24h Noord at Framer Framed
Guided tours by participating artist Keetje Mans.
Pop-up Shop: MINEshop, MINEcollection during Amsterdam Fashion Week
Unique MINEcollection and fashion event.

Bas de Wit

Rik Meijers

Keetje Mans

Fons Haagmans

Hadassah Emmerich
Joan van Barneveld

Sidi El Karchi