About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed



Education / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology / South Africa /

Shared Waters: How the Camissa Museum in Cape Town extends beyond its spatial borders to Amsterdam

Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /

Colonialism in museums: Islamic art from Indonesia

Museology / Shared Heritage / The living archive / Colonial history /

Pressing Matter: Ownership, Value and the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums

Indonesia / Collection development / Ecology / Colonial history / Museology /

On the (de)coloniality of Kebun Raya Bogor, museum objects and contemporary Indonesian art

Community & Learning / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /

Report: Decolonial Futures with Ariella AĂŻsha Azoulay

Colonial history / Museology /

Article: Smithsonian’s Leader Says ‘Museums Have a Social Justice Role to Play’

Community & Learning / Amsterdam Noord / Amsterdam Oost / Museology /

How can we, as a cultural organisation, contribute to society during an unprecedented crisis?

Contested Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /

Expertmeeting on the presentation of contested heritage at Westfries Museum

Museology /

Losgezongen van tijd en ruimte, over het project Diasporic Self

Collection development / Museology / Queer /

Report: How to Un/Engender the Ethnographic Object?

Contemporary Aboriginal art / Collection development / Museology /

Report: On the future of the AAMU collection and the outlook of contemporary Aboriginal art

Museology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia /

Report: Musea and Dutch East Indies, lecture by Caroline Drieënhuizen

Contemporary Aboriginal art / Art economy / Museology /

Article: Why the closure of the Museum of Contemporary Aboriginal Art is an eternal shame

Colonial history / Museology /

Symposium: Decolonize The Museum

Museology / Global Art History /

Article: Globalisation in Dutch Art Centres, by Vincent van Velsen

Collection development / Museology /

Video: Onbegrensd Verzamelen

Collection development / Museology /

Review: of the exhibition 'Costume Bureau'

Museology / Global Art History /

Exhibition: How far how near – the world in the Stedelijk

Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /

Decolonising the Museum: Limits and Possibilities

Museology /

Symposium: Heading East - New Institutional Models in Central and Eastern Europe

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Video: Suspended Histories

Museology /

Symposium and Book Presentation: Institutional Attitudes

Museology / Collection development /

Publication: Museums in a Global Context

Museology / Global Art History /

Symposium: Collecting Geographies - Global Programming and Museums of Modern Art

Museology /

Report: We Curate kick off seminar

Colonial history / Museology /

Article: Colonial nostalgia in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Museology / Innovative heritage /

Seminar: We Curate – Kick off seminar

Museology / Art economy /

Article: Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam under threat

Foto: Cas Bool
Museology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /

Video: Contested History

Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Video: Suspended Histories

Museology / Colonial history /

Lecture: Debate on the reopening on the Rijksmuseum

Museology /

Symposium: We Are Museums

Contested Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /

Physical anthropology in the Netherlands East Indies, ca. 1890-1960

Museology /

Symposium: The Future of Ethnographic Museums

Museology /

Symposium: Museum Narratives for the Twenty-first Century

Museology / Collection development / Global Art History /

Publication: Changing Perspective

Foto: Marlise Steeman
Museology /

Symposium: Bridges and Boundaries: Reframing Professional Education for Museums and Heritage

Colonial history / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Museology /

Report: Symposium Contested History

Museology / Global Art History /

Article: A response to the publication Changing Perspectives

Colonial history / Art economy / Museology /

Press Release: Closure of Molucan Museum

Museology /

Conference: What is a Post-colonial Exhibition?

Photography / Colonial history / Museology /

Project: Photographs, Colonial Legacy and Museums in Contemporary European Culture

Museology /

Conference: 5th International Conference on the Inclusive Museum

Museology /

International Colloquium: Beyond Modernity. Do Ethnography Museums Need Ethnography?

Museology /

Book launch: Museutopia

Museology /

Symposium The Challenges facing Museums on-site and online in the 21st Century

Museology / Colonial history /

Conference: Universalisms in Conflict

Colonial history / Global Art History / Museology /

The Netherlands in Post-Colonial Perspective

Collection development / Museology /

Panel Discussion: A critical reflection on museum policy

Museology /

Lecture: Future Museums

Museology / Community & Learning / Innovative heritage /

Symposium: Museums and Communities. The Heritage of Belonging

Innovative heritage / Museology /

Symposium: Ecomuseums 2012

Museology /

Book Launch: The Disruptive Museum

Museology /

Contemporary Art in Ethnographic Museums

Museology /

Book Launch: 24 European Ethnographic Museums

Museology /

Report: World Art and the Imperial Imagination

Collection development / Museology /

Report: Collecting without Borders (4/5)

Collection development / Museology /

Report: Collecting without Borders (5/5)

Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /

Video: Cultural Heritage

Colonial history / Museology /

Video: The Exotic View (Dutch)

Museology / Global Art History /

The distinction between western and non-western art is outdated

Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /

Article: The Exotic View

Colonial history / Innovative heritage / Museology /

Towards a Postcolonial Practice for Ethnographic Museums

Colonial history / Photography / Indonesia / Museology /

Report: Colonial Nostalgia

Museology /

Het museum als instituut staat ter discussie (Dutch)

Museology / Collection development /

Report: Collecting without Borders (1/5)

Collection development / Museology /

Report: Collecting without Borders (2/5)

Museology / Collection development /

Report: Collecting without Borders (3/5)

Museology / Global Art History /

Article: Art Around the Globe

Museology /

Publication: The Routledge Companion to Museum Ethics

Museology /

Symposium: Transnational History of Museums

Museology /

Symposium: Atlas Versus the Cherry Tree - Museums, the Nation, and the World

Contested Heritage / Museology /

Symposium: Indigenous Peoples and Museums, Unraveling the Tensions

Fotografie: Anoek Steketee
Colonial history / Collection development / Museology /

Symposium: Colonial Nostalgia

Museology /

Symposium: Museums and Exhibitions as Materialisation of Knowledge Orders

Museology /

Symposium: Curiouser and Curiouser

Global Art History / Museology /

Symposium: Between Fetish and Art

Museology / Migration /

Symposium: Politics of Transmission. The 'Other' subject-object of a European community?

culturele sporen van de koloniale ervaring
Museology / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

Publication: Susan LegĂȘne, Spiegelreflex

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /

Exhibition: Eastward Bound! Art, Culture and Colonialism

Contemporary Aboriginal art / Museology /

Discussing The Frame: The Aboriginal Art Museum as Theme Park

Museology /

Manifesto for an enfranchised museum


Decolonial Summer School: Celebrating 15 Years of the Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School
Events hosted by leading experts in the field of decolonial thinking at Framer Framed (Amsterdam) and Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven)
Rematriation Rehearsals: On a Mesoamerican Skull Displayed in Leiden
A conversation on 3D printing in the context of stolen or looted artefacts from indigenous communities
Book Presentation: The Curatorial Condition
An evening with scholar and theoretician Beatrice von Bismarck marking her recent publication The Curatorial Condition.
Decolonial Futures: Workshop with Ariella AĂŻsha Azoulay
First term of the Decolonial Futures programme 2021-2022
Symposium: (Post) Anthropocene Museologies
Hybride symposium over museale praktijken in het Antropoceen
Launch: Errant Journal #1, When Are We?
Errant Journal is a concept by Irene de Craen, realised in collaboration with Framer Framed
Symposium: Declassified - How to Un/Engender the Ethnographic Object?
On the (historical) construction of gender and sexuality within the ethnographic collecting practices of museums.
Event: Farewell to the hermetic monoculture
Lecture by curator Mirjam Westen on the rol of art institutions in a rapidly changing global context.
Collecting without boundaries. Creating a future-proof museum
A discussion on collection exchange, mobility and museum collaboration.
World Art and the Imperial Imagination
A workshop on the interface of contemporary art, postcolonial theory and cultural museology.
Cultural Heritage and Shared Knowledge
A panel discussion on the concept and use of cultural heritage.
The Colonial Gaze
On the historical preconceptions that determine our view of art.
Collecting without Borders
Ethnographic, historical and art museums in dialogue on collecting and presenting global art.