Education / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology / South Africa /
Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /
Colonialism in museums: Islamic art from Indonesia
Museology / Shared Heritage / The living archive / Colonial history /
Pressing Matter: Ownership, Value and the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums
Indonesia / Collection development / Ecology / Colonial history / Museology /
On the (de)coloniality of Kebun Raya Bogor, museum objects and contemporary Indonesian art
Community & Learning / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Report: Decolonial Futures with Ariella AĂŻsha Azoulay
Colonial history / Museology /
Article: Smithsonianâs Leader Says âMuseums Have a Social Justice Role to Playâ
Community & Learning / Amsterdam Noord / Amsterdam Oost / Museology /
How can we, as a cultural organisation, contribute to society during an unprecedented crisis?
Contested Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Expertmeeting on the presentation of contested heritage at Westfries Museum
Museology /
Losgezongen van tijd en ruimte, over het project Diasporic Self
Collection development / Museology / Queer /
Report: How to Un/Engender the Ethnographic Object?
Contemporary Aboriginal art / Collection development / Museology /
Report: On the future of the AAMU collection and the outlook of contemporary Aboriginal art
Museology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia /
Report: Musea and Dutch East Indies, lecture by Caroline Drieënhuizen
Contemporary Aboriginal art / Art economy / Museology /
Article: Why the closure of the Museum of Contemporary Aboriginal Art is an eternal shame
Colonial history / Museology /
Symposium: Decolonize The Museum
Museology / Global Art History /
Article: Globalisation in Dutch Art Centres, by Vincent van Velsen
Collection development / Museology /
Video: Onbegrensd Verzamelen
Collection development / Museology /
Review: of the exhibition 'Costume Bureau'
Museology / Global Art History /
Exhibition: How far how near â the world in the Stedelijk
Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /
Decolonising the Museum: Limits and Possibilities
Museology /
Symposium: Heading East - New Institutional Models in Central and Eastern Europe
Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /
Video: Suspended Histories
Museology /
Symposium and Book Presentation: Institutional Attitudes
Museology / Collection development /
Publication: Museums in a Global Context
Museology / Global Art History /
Symposium: Collecting Geographies - Global Programming and Museums of Modern Art
Museology /
Report: We Curate kick off seminar
Colonial history / Museology /
Article: Colonial nostalgia in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Museology / Innovative heritage /
Seminar: We Curate â Kick off seminar
Museology / Art economy /
Article: Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam under threat
Museology / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /
Video: Contested History
Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /
Video: Suspended Histories
Museology / Colonial history /
Lecture: Debate on the reopening on the Rijksmuseum
Museology /
Symposium: We Are Museums
Contested Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history / Museology /
Physical anthropology in the Netherlands East Indies, ca. 1890-1960
Museology /
Symposium: The Future of Ethnographic Museums
Museology /
Symposium: Museum Narratives for the Twenty-first Century
Museology / Collection development / Global Art History /
Publication: Changing Perspective
Museology /
Symposium: Bridges and Boundaries: Reframing Professional Education for Museums and Heritage
Colonial history / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Museology /
Report: Symposium Contested History
Museology / Global Art History /
Article: A response to the publication Changing Perspectives
Colonial history / Art economy / Museology /
Press Release: Closure of Molucan Museum
Museology /
Conference: What is a Post-colonial Exhibition?
Photography / Colonial history / Museology /
Project: Photographs, Colonial Legacy and Museums in Contemporary European Culture
Museology /
Conference: 5th International Conference on the Inclusive Museum
Museology /
International Colloquium: Beyond Modernity. Do Ethnography Museums Need Ethnography?
Museology /
Book launch: Museutopia
Museology /
Symposium The Challenges facing Museums on-site and online in the 21st Century
Museology / Colonial history /
Conference: Universalisms in Conflict
Colonial history / Global Art History / Museology /
The Netherlands in Post-Colonial Perspective
Collection development / Museology /
Panel Discussion: A critical reflection on museum policy
Museology /
Lecture: Future Museums
Museology / Community & Learning / Innovative heritage /
Symposium: Museums and Communities. The Heritage of Belonging
Innovative heritage / Museology /
Symposium: Ecomuseums 2012
Museology /
Book Launch: The Disruptive Museum
Museology /
Contemporary Art in Ethnographic Museums
Museology /
Book Launch: 24 European Ethnographic Museums
Museology /
Report: World Art and the Imperial Imagination
Collection development / Museology /
Report: Collecting without Borders (4/5)
Collection development / Museology /
Report: Collecting without Borders (5/5)
Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Video: Cultural Heritage
Colonial history / Museology /
Video: The Exotic View (Dutch)
Museology / Global Art History /
The distinction between western and non-western art is outdated
Colonial history / Museology / Contested Heritage /
Article: The Exotic View
Colonial history / Innovative heritage / Museology /
Towards a Postcolonial Practice for Ethnographic Museums
Colonial history / Photography / Indonesia / Museology /
Report: Colonial Nostalgia
Museology /
Het museum als instituut staat ter discussie (Dutch)
Museology / Collection development /
Report: Collecting without Borders (1/5)
Collection development / Museology /
Report: Collecting without Borders (2/5)
Museology / Collection development /
Report: Collecting without Borders (3/5)
Museology / Global Art History /
Article: Art Around the Globe
Museology /
Publication: The Routledge Companion to Museum Ethics
Museology /
Symposium: Transnational History of Museums
Museology /
Symposium: Atlas Versus the Cherry Tree - Museums, the Nation, and the World
Contested Heritage / Museology /
Symposium: Indigenous Peoples and Museums, Unraveling the Tensions
Colonial history / Collection development / Museology /
Symposium: Colonial Nostalgia
Museology /
Symposium: Museums and Exhibitions as Materialisation of Knowledge Orders
Museology /
Symposium: Curiouser and Curiouser
Global Art History / Museology /
Symposium: Between Fetish and Art
Museology / Migration /
Symposium: Politics of Transmission. The 'Other' subject-object of a European community?
Museology / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Publication: Susan LegĂȘne, Spiegelreflex
Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Museology /
Exhibition: Eastward Bound! Art, Culture and Colonialism
Contemporary Aboriginal art / Museology /
Discussing The Frame: The Aboriginal Art Museum as Theme Park
Museology /