8 Feb â
8 Mar 2015
Exhibition: Crisis of History #2 - Fight History
February 8 t/m March 8 2015
Wed – Sun 14 – 22 hrs
Framer Framed in de Tolhuistuin
IJpromenade 2
From Amsterdam Centraal Station with the ferry ‘Buiksloterweg’. The entrance is located directly at the IJ riverside. When inside walk through the THT restaurant.
In the second chapter of Crisis of History: Fight History – Strategies of Resistance (2015), artists search for strategies of resistance in order to survive historic paralysis. The subversive potential of art is mobilized to rock the boat to the point of capsizing. In their search for a breakthrough, the artists poke holes in the fabric of history by asking deeply disturbing questions. How blinding can the fear of the Western Muslim become? Is the Western dream being sacrificed on the Syrian battlefield? Have we understood the Iraqi population at all? Can we restore the humanity of the refugee traversing Europe? Do we believe romantic love can be in Saudi Arabia?
Fight History includes works by artists from the Middle East and beyond. Despite an international career, many of the artists are showing for the first time in the Netherlands; a few of them are making new work for the exhibition.
Fight History will open on the 8th of February and be on show till the 8th of March 2015 at Framer Framed in the Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam. An extensive public program will be organized along with the exhibition. Robert Kluijver, an international curator with experience in the Middle East, curates the Crisis of History cycle.
Participating artists
Tammam Azzam, Syria
Wafa Bilal, Iraq/USA
Ayman Yossri Daydban, Saudi Arabia/Palestine
Alain Declercq, France
Nermine Hammam, Egypt
Imran Ahmad Khan, Pakistan
Aman Mojadidi, USA
Eric Parnes, USA/Iran
Shadi al Zaqzouq, Palestine/France
Ruben Pater, The Netherlands
At the opening of the exhibition on February the 8th, the curator as well as the artists Alain Declerq, Tammam Azzam, Shadi Alzaqzouq and Abla elBahrawy will be present. Ăzkan Gölpinar, special guest from the Raad van Cultuur, will give a short introduction.
Middle East /

Exhibition: The End Of This Story (And the Beginning of All Others)
Curated by Katayoun Arian
Closing day exhibition Crisis of History #2 - Fight History
Framer Framed at Tolhuistuin, 16.00 till 18.00.
Program surrounding the exhibition Crisis of History #2
Every Tuesday there is a public program related to the exhibition of films, performances, artist talks and debate.
Opening Framer Framed at Tolhuistuin
Opening exhibition Crisis of History.

Abla elBahrawy

Nermine Hammam

Imran Ahmad Khan

Ayman Yossri Daydban

Wafaa Bilal

Alain Declerq

Tammam Azzam

Shadi Alzaqzouq

Ruben Pater
Artist/graphic designer

Robert Kluijver
Freelance Cultural Producer

Aman Mojadidi