About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

CICC Gwanju Pavilion. Foto: Jonas Staal
CICC Gwanju Pavilion. Foto: Jonas Staal
CICC Gwanju Pavilion. Foto: Jonas Staal
CICC Gwanju Pavilion. Foto: Jonas Staal
CICC Gwanju Pavilion. Foto: Paul Kuipers
CICC Gwanju Pavilion. Foto: Jonas Staal
CICC Gwanju Pavilion. Foto: Jonas Staal
CICC Gwanju Pavilion. Foto: Jonas Staal

5 Apr –
30 Jul 2023

Exhibition: CICC Gwangju Biennale - Extinction Wars

Framer Framed is delighted to present a new iteration of the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes, entitled Extinction Wars, at the first Netherlands Pavilion of the 14th Gwangju Biennale in Gwangju, South Korea.

Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes: Extinction Wars

Framer Framed is proud to open the first Netherlands Pavilion of the 14th Gwangju Biennale in South Korea, with a new iteration of the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC) on the subject of ‘Extinction Wars’. Against the backdrop of ongoing wars in Korea, Southeast Asia, and internationally, the very existence of the military-industrial complex itself, the artists argue, should be considered a climate crime.

Presented at the Gwangju Biennale Pavilion, Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes – Extinction Wars (2023) highlights the role of the military-industrial complex in climate crimes, arguing that the very existence of the fossil fuelled military-industrial complex is an ecocidal crime against natures and peoples. Wars have devastating multigenerational impact on human communities, but equally on the complex ecosystems that sustain them. And climate catastrophe should itself be considered a war crime: an extinction war waged against living worlds.

Based on D’Souza’s book, What’s Wrong With Rights? (2018) the first iteration of the CICC was co-produced and commissioned by Framer Framed and took place in Amsterdam, with public hearings in which the Dutch State and transnational corporations registered in the Netherlands, such as Unilever, ING and Airbus, were tried for committing climate crimes. Prosecutors and witnesses provided evidence of their wrongdoing. The public acted as jury and was tasked with passing a verdict based on the Intergenerational Climate Crimes Act: the legal foundation of the CICC.

The Court will be open for general visitation between April 5 and July 30, 2023. On April 7, 8, 9 you can join public hearings at the CICC to listen to prosecutors and witnesses from various social movements and activist organisations testify to the role of states and corporations in perpetuating climate war crimes, specifically in the context of Korea.

CICC: Extinction Wars (2023) of Jonas Staal and Radha D’ Souza, commissioned and co-producted by Framer Framed in collaboration with the 14e Gwangju Biennale, Netherlands Pavilion. Curated by Juhyun Cho, in collaboration with Gwangju Biennale Foundation, Gwangju Museum of Art and Framer Framed. Photo: Jonas Staal

Gwangju Biennale Pavilion

The Gwangju Biennale Pavilion takes place alongside the Gwangju Biennale’s main exhibition, soft and weak like water, with the nine participating cultural organisations working on their exhibitions in cooperation with culture and art institution counterparts in the Gwangju area.

Initiated in 2018, the Pavilion involves exhibitions from prominent international cultural organisations to break down borders between different art environments and communicate a message unique to the city of Gwangju. With three organisations represented at the 12th Gwangju Biennale in 2018 and two at the 13th Gwangju Biennale in 2021, this year’s Pavilion will be the largest yet, with arts and culture organisations from nine different countries. The first Netherlands Pavilion will be held at the Gwangju Museum of Art.

Gwangju Museum of Art
52 Haseo-ro, Buk-gu
Gwangju, South Korea

광주광역시 북구 하서로 52 (운암동)

Opening Times
April 5 and July 30, 2023
Weekdays, Weekends, Holidays: 10:00 – 18:00h
Closed: Every Monday, 1st January, Korean Thanksgiving and Lunar New Year’s Day.

Project Team

Co-founders & Directors of Framer Framed
Josien Pieterse (요신 피터서)
Cas Bool (카스 볼)

Curator & Researcher
Juhyun Cho (조주현)

Radha D’Souza (라다 드수자)
Jonas Staal (요나스 스탈)

Co-programmer Public Hearings, Framer Framed
Jiyoung Kim (김지영)

Production Coordination, Studio Jonas Staal
Nadine Gouders (나딘 하우더스)

Paul Kuipers (폴 카우퍼스)

Graphic Design
Hayoung Lim (임하영)
Dinara Vasilevskaia (디나라 바실레브스카야)

Installation Construction
Chang-yeon Pyo (표창연)

Production Manager
Yena Ku (구예나)

Research & Communication, Framer Framed
Hahae Son (손하혜)

Communication, Framer Framed
Stefan Wharton (스테판 와르턴)

Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes: Extinction Wars is commissioned and co-produced by Framer Framed in collaboration with the Gwangju Biennale Pavilion.

Hosted by
Gwangju Biennale Foundation and the Gwangju Metropolitan City

In cooperation with
Gwangju Museum of Art

Supported by
Arts Council Korea (ARKO), the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Netherlands), Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AfK), the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Korea, and the Mondriaan Fund

CICC / Ecology / Colonial history / East Asia /


Exhibition: CICC London – The British East India Company on Trial

An exhibition of the CICC in London focused on the colonial and industrial crimes of the British Crown and the East India Company.

Exhibition: CICC Seoul - The Law on Trial

A new iteration of the project Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC) at the Oil Tank Culture Park in Seoul, South Korea.
Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes - Jonas Staal

Exhibition: Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes

A project by Radha D'Souza and Jonas Staal


Training: Future Drawing – A world without war and climate crisis
Educational program as part of the Netherlands Pavilion at the Gwangju Biennale, featuring the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes - Extinction Wars
Evidentiary Hearings: CICC - Extinction Wars at the Gwangju Biennale
Public Hearings of the CICC: Extinction Wars for the Gwangju Biennale Pavilion.


Boram Bae


Rosa Moiwend

Activist, Educator

Cheolgi Kim

Juhyun Cho

Juhyun Cho


Jiyoung Kim

Public program and research
Radha D'Souza

Radha D'Souza

Writer, academic, lawyer and activist

Jonas Staal

