Art in Public Space

Bookshop Selection / Art and Activism / Art in Public Space / Social Practice /

Contested Heritage / Art in Public Space /
KNAW rapport: Wankele sokkels - Omstreden monumenten in de openbare ruimte

Molenwijk / Amsterdam Noord / Art in Public Space / Residencies /
Bookshop Selection: Kunst in de Molenwijk

Amsterdam Oost / Art in Public Space /
Gatekeepers vinden vaste plek in de zon

Conflict / Diaspora / Art in Public Space /
Digital Archive: From what will we reassemble ourselves

Amsterdam Noord / Gentrification / Art in Public Space /
The vanishing art in the Northern district of Amsterdam, by Chris Keulemans

Art in Public Space / Amsterdam Noord / Gentrification / Turkey /
Framer Framed, De Appel en de stad - door Joke de Wolf

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Art in Public Space /
Report: Hacking History

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Art in Public Space /
Foute Keuzes

Indonesia / Colonial history / Art in Public Space /
A Colonial Wound

Exhibition: Moving Rurality by Peng Zhang
Presentation of the installation by Peng Zhang outside of Framer Framed for Public Art Amsterdam

Public Space Installation: QUEER
by United Painting

Exhibition: Temporary Monument - Srebrenica is Dutch history
By Bosnian Girl

Exhibitions Werkplaats Molenwijk: Marie Hudelot, Suat Ögüt and Şengül Köker
Current exhibitions and programme