25 Jul 2018
17:30 - 19:30
Guided Tour: The disappearing of art in Amsterdam-Noord, by Chris Keulemans and Massih Hutak
For the public art manifestation Amsterdam Art writers Chris Keulemans and Massih Hutak both made a podcast about a district that is close to their heart. In a special live meeting on Wednesday, July 25, they take us along the Northerns IJ-river bank, an area of the city that has changed radically over the past ten years.
We start the tour with a short presentation by Keulemans and Hutak in the exhibition space of Framer Framed. Hutak talks about the connecting and stimulating influence of football squares on young people in Amsterdam, a phenomenon that he recognizes both from his youth in Osdorp and in his current Noord district. Then we go outside. In an extensive tour, Chris Keulemans will discuss the ideas and initiatives he saw emerging for art and culture on the former Shell site, but of which little is left today. He takes us through all the ‘disappeared’ works of art – once hopefully installed along the IJ bank, until they had to make way for the grand plans of administrators and developers.
- Groene Amsterdammer - Framer Framed, De Appel en de stad
- Metropolis M - Amsterdam ontdekt zijn kunst en publieke ruimte
- Public Art Amsterdam
Amsterdam Noord / Gentrification / Art in Public Space /

Exhibition: Monuments to the Unsung - Public Art Amsterdam
Part of the collaborative art manifestation Pay Attention Please! in the public space of Amsterdam
Guided Tour: Art on the Northern IJ-river bank in Amsterdam
In the context of Public Art Amsterdam and Framer Framed's outdoor exhibition 'Monuments to the Unsung'.

Chris Keulemans