Mustafa Şener
Mustafa Şener (b. Samsun, 1945) is a renowned artist who studied painting under Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu at Istanbul Academy and post-academic studies at Ateliers ’63 in Haarlem under Ger Lataster and Edgar Fernhout. He creates abstract paintings, prints, small objects, and experimental video films. Şener’s works have been exhibited in cities such as Amsterdam, Istanbul, and Ottawa and are in Amsterdam’s state and municipality collections.
Notable exhibitions include Weekend Expositie at Doe Zelf School (1987), Amsterdam Kulturele Hoofdstad at de Balie (1987) in Amsterdam; Turkse Kunstenaars in Nederland at Pulchri Studio (1988) in Den Haag; and 9 Contemporary Turkish Artists at Gallery Calgary (1993) in Ottawa. Şener’s work has been featured in various publications, TV documentaries, and in collections of Amsterdam’s state and municipality institutions.
Mustafa Şener is one of the contributing artists of the exhibition Scattered: Hidden Narratives Through Archives (2023) curated by Nesli Gül which takes place from 3 March to 16 April at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.