23 Jun –
21 Jul 2015
The exhibition Embodied Spaces (2015) will be supplemented by an public program with film screenings, music, artist talks, and guided tours. This allowes for a deep reflection on the subject of the exhibition.
June 23 – VENUS – The anti-hero Hero
20:00. Venus – The anti-hero Hero is an interactive programme that explores the historically violent imageries surrounding Venus. Who is Venus? Nikki Minaj? Kim Kardashian? This event is part of the series of public and discursive events that are curated alongside to the exhibition Embodied Spaces by curator Christine Eyene at Framer Framed in Amsterdam.
This event concludes the three exploratory reading sessions that were loosely based on three chapters from Suzan-Lori Park’s play Venus and connected to the themes of imagination, language and the body. Park’s play is based on the journey of Saartjie Baartman, a Khoi-San woman taken from South Africa in 1810 and exhibited in London and Paris. The reading of the exoticized body of Saartjie Baartman has influenced the iconography of the black female body in western visual cultures. Venus connects to current conversations on race, gender, sexuality, and voyeurism in the media. From Hottentot Venus to bootylicious – the female body, specifically, the black female body belongs to the spectators. How can we re-interpret and reclaim Venus despite the exploitation?
Performance directed by Milone Reigman with masks specially realized for the occasion by Shertise Solano and Ronald de Graaff.
July 7 – Feminist Memory: Digging the Black Archives
20:00. A discursive event on the representation and presence of black feminist in institutional and unconventional archives. Across the world, archives are more than ever prominently present and accessible to art practitioners and the public alike. However, what does that mean for those whose presence in the collectively memory bank of society is either erased or barely of value? Together with researcher Emma Dabiri, curator of Embodied Spaces Christine Eyene and artist Ope Lori we will look at the current affairs of the black archives.
July 18 – Filthy Mouth – Dirty Politics
16:00-20:00. An experimental conference in which the relationship between filthy, vulgar language, radical feminism and digital (non) spaces is examined, dissected, remixed and presented. With workshops, performances and a panel discussion by artists Hannah Black (UK), Deniz Unal (Turkey) and Evan Ifekoya (UK) who’s work is part of the Embodied Spaces exhibition. Part of the event is a special edition of the DJ WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN.
July 21 – PRIVATE
20:00. An evening program with performative lectures about the (un) written laws of digitization, privatization and encoding of the body. With artist Silvia Martes an Kareem Lotfy, curator Femke Dekker and designer Ruben Pater.
All our events are free of charge
Feminism / The living archive / Politics and technology /

Exhibition: Embodied Spaces
An exhibition curated by Christine Eyene on the body, gender and identity.
Feminist Memory: Digging the Black Archives
On the representation and presence of black women in institutional and unconventional archives
On the intersection of technology, privacy and body politics.
Filthy Mouth - Dirty Politics
Experimental conference on the relationship between vulgar language, radical feminism.
VENUS: the anti-hero hero
An interactive programme that explores the historically violent imageries surrounding Venus.
Side-expo: 'Venus' masks by Shertise Solano & Ronald de Graaff
By Shertise Solano & Ronald de Graaff. In addition to the 'Embodied Spaces' exhibition.

Silvia Martes
Artist, filmmaker

Shertise Solano