1 Jan –
30 Apr 2015
Reflection committee, an experiment with inclusive curating
Framer Framed is invested in researching new forms of curating in response to the changing role of museums and cultural institutions in a globalizing society. One new form of curating is explored with the Reflection Committee that was put together for the exhibition Crisis of History. The aim of this committee is to jointly research the various ways that different perspectives can be addedd to the narrative of the curator. In response to the exhibition this committee has organized a public programme in which they experiment with different forms of dialogue with the artworks selected by the curator.
The exhibition Crisis of History was analysed in three sessions by this diverse group of participants who all share an affinity with the Middle East through their work or heritage. In these sessions the selected art works were discussed and the participants explored the themes in the artworks that were relevant to them. The group discussed the way a dialogue between the exhibition, the reflection committee and the public could be translated into a tangible experience. The result of the sessions is a series of public events that creates a dialogue between the exhibition through film, theatre, literature, music, debate, tours and various means of art criticism.
Reflection Committee
Rajae El Mouhandiz
Soheila Najand/ InterArtLab
Thijs Gerbrandy
Zabe Sangary
Massih Hutak
Ibrahim Selman
Judith Naeff
Community & Learning /

Exhibition: The End Of This Story (And the Beginning of All Others)
Curated by Katayoun Arian

Exhibition: Crisis of History #1 - Welcome to the End of History
Curated by Robert Kluijver
Renaissance #2 - WithSyria
A multidisciplairy program with music, debate and visual arts. The program is an initiative of Framer Framed in collaboration with Rajae El Mouhandiz.
Renaissance #1- The Dutch Spring
A lively program with music, debate and visual arts.
Screening: The Turtles' Song: a Moroccan revolution
Film screening in cooperation with Cinema Arabe.
Program surrounding the exhibition Crisis of History #1
Film, theatre, literature, music, debate, guided tours and art criticism.
Opening Framer Framed at Tolhuistuin
Opening exhibition Crisis of History.

Massih Hutak
Rapper author, theater maker

Thijs Gerbrandy
Art historian

Rajae El Mouhandiz
Singer, producer, filmmaker