21 Jan –
15 Mar 2019
Educatieprogramma: Broadcasting from Babylon, door Amal Alhaag, Maria Guggenbichler en Josien Pieterse
Framer Framed is happy to announce its collaboration in the public education series Broadcasting From Babylon by Amal Alhaag, Maria Guggenbichler and Josien Pieterse, focusing on intersectional feminist, queer, and anti-colonial embodied, listening and sounding practices, which are broadcasting from Babylon, Fort EU. Taking place between 21 January – 15 March 2019.
The educational programme Broadcasting From Babylon consists of (informal) public learning situations such as workshops, walks, seminars, bike rides, boat rides, reading groups, decolonial consciousness raising groups, dance moves, parties. The gatherings take place mostly at independent initiatives, across the city of Amsterdam. Framer Framed will host seven meetings in collaboration with Netwerk Democratie, on Thursdays between 2 – 5 PM, on the topic of ‘Citizenship and Cultural Production’.
Citizenship and Cultural Production sessions
In these meetings we will investigate how citizenship informs cultural production, and how different forms of social engagement and place-making are currently developed by reclaiming and rewriting democracy through cultural self-representation and production. What can cultural practitioners learn from social movements, hackers, squatters and open-source activists?
Each week Josien Pieterse (Framer Framed/Netwerk Democratie) and Anne de Zeeuw (Netwerk Democratie) invite a different guest to look into themes such as authority of the other, oral history (listening and power), radical openness, choices and consequences. The meetings will take place at both Framer Framed, project space Werkplaats Molenwijk and other locations across the city. The first session kicks off on Thursday January 24th, with a ‘field trip’ to Plein ’40-’45. Our special guest for this session is urban planner and researcher Joachim Meerkerk.
Thursdays from 2-5 PM:
24 January,
31 January,
7 February,
14 February,
21 February,
28 February,
7 March.
The first upcoming sessions:
Thursday 24 Jan, 14:00 – 17:00
CCP #1: Co-creation and the commons, with Joachim Meerkerk
Location: Tuinstadhuis, Plein ’40’45 1
Thursday 31 Jan, 19:00 – 22:00
CCP #2: In between, with Yara Said and Shailoh Phillips
Location: Studio Yalla
Thursday 7 Feb, 14:00 – 17:00
CCP #3: Workshop ‘Business as Art’ with Melanie Rieback
Location: Framer Framed
Broadcasting from Babylon is developed by Amal Alhaag & Maria Guggenbichler as a DAS Theatre ‘Block Programme’. The events are free and open to all to participate. For full info on the programme please check the website: broadcastingfrombabylon.eu
Amal Alhaag
Amsterdam Black Women (ABW) Home
Nadia Bekkers
Black Heritage Tours
Renè Boer
Butcher’s Tears
Buurtkamer HoofdKwartier
Barbara McCullough
Cas Bool
DAS Theatre
De Fabriek Volkskamer
Em’kal Eyongakpa
Framer Framed
Quinsy Gario
Ayesha Ghanchi
Maria Guggenbichler
Katherine MacBride
Momtaza Mehri
Zinzi Minott
Sands Murray-Wassink
Rosa Paardenkoper
Josien Pieterse
Romy Rüegger
Joy Mariama Smith
Lara Staal
Teatro Munganga
Jennifer Tosch
Françoise Vergès
Hodan Warsame
Felicia von Zweigbergk
and many many others.
Educatie / Amsterdam Noord / Digital commons & democracy / Feminisme / Gentrificatie / Kunst en Activisme / Queer /
Citizenship & Cultural Production #6: Perspectives on Public Space with Cas Bool & Adeola Enigbokan
Een buurtwandeling en lezing over het gebruik van de openbare ruimte in de Molenwijk.
Citizenship & Cultural Production #5: Creative Coding and Workshop Plotting Data
How can we reimagine the performativity of the dataset?
Citizenship and Cultural Production #4: Disobedient Art
Workshop met Fossil Free Culture NL, onderdeel van de Broadcasting from Babylon reeks.
Citizenship & Cultural Production #3, Workshop Business as Art
Met hacker Melanie Rieback, als onderdeel van het publieke programma Broadcasting from Babylon.
Citizenship & Cultural Production #2: In-between
Met Yara Said en Shailoh Phillips.
Citizenship & Cultural Production #1, Co-creation and the Commons
De eerste sessie als onderdeel van programmareeks Broadcasting from Babylon

Maria Guggenbichler

Amal Alhaag