About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

New media



Exhibition: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis

Exhibition about the commodification of knowledge and ignorance, curated by Mi You and David Garcia

Exhibition: As If - The Media Artist as Trickster

On politically inspired media art that uses deception in all its forms. Curated by Annet Dekker and David Garcia i.c.w. Ian Alan Paul


Synthetic Vision/Images of Power: Truth, Evidence, Labour & Knowledge in the Age of AI
Two-day conference about AI and imaging
Exhibition: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis
Exhibition about the commodification of knowledge and ignorance, curated by Mi You and David Garcia
Opening: Really? Art & Knowledge in Time of Crisis
Opening of the exhibition about the commodification of knowledge and ignorance, curated by Mi You and David Garcia
Workshop: Archiving the Present
A workshop series by Archival Consciousness focused on translating physical collections into digital archives
The New Social: Hybrid Strategies for Cultural Spaces - at Dutch Design Week 2023
Part of the exhibition Innovatie Labs #1: The Living Archive in Klokgebouw, Eindhoven
Symposium: In-Between Media - Hybrid Tactics in The Crisis Era
A two-day symposium on hybrid media tactics and togetherness in the field of art and activism.
Hybrid Event: The Hmm ON A Lighter Internet
Conceived by The Hmm and Framer Framed
Meme-ify: An Attempt to Dance Through Pain with Humour
Online Action Research Workshop
Plotting Data: Acts of Collection and Omission
Panel discussion and publication launch on datasets and artistic ways of interfacing them
Citizenship & Cultural Production #5: Creative Coding and Workshop Plotting Data
How can we reimagine the performativity of the dataset?
Paranoia Phenomenon: Open (Your) Data
Talk and workshop by Erdem Dilbaz, founder of Nerdworking.
Symposium: 'The Society of Post-Control'
Extended conversation on the emergence, consequences, and activist responses to the Society of Post-Control.
Symposium: Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive
Public debate on the relationship between digital archiving practices and activism.
Exhibition: As If - The Media Artist as Trickster
On politically inspired media art that uses deception in all its forms. Curated by Annet Dekker and David Garcia i.c.w. Ian Alan Paul
On the intersection of technology, privacy and body politics.
Art and Political Conflict
Tactical Media - the intersection of art, media, political activism and technological experimentation.