
Action Research / Citizenship / Community & Learning /

Action Research / Citizenship / Community & Learning / Digital commons & democracy /
Framer Framed announces two fellowships on the theory and practice of commoning

Amsterdam Noord / Citizenship / Education / Art and Activism / Molenwijk /
Art Lessons at the Krijtmolen / MKC Oostzanerwerf

Citizenship / Education / Art and Activism /
Dealing with the real stuff: Art education, activism and citizenship

Podcast / Citizenship / Chile / Middle East / Palestine / Political Climate /
Podcast: From Allende to Gaza - Claiming the Agency of the People

Molenwijk / Action Research / Citizenship / Community & Learning / Social Practice / Workshop /
Social Practice Workshop at the Rijksakademie in partnership with Framer Framed

Citizenship / Art and Activism / Political Climate /
Interview: Thais Di Marco on Neoliberalism and the Arts

Citizenship / Collectives / Community & Learning / Art and Activism /
How collective We Sell Reality sheds light on Europe'se failing refugee policy

Citizenship / Community & Learning / Art and Activism / Politics and technology / Southeast Asia /
Workshop Report: Doodle Lecture and Musical Hangout

Citizenship / Action Research / Community & Learning / Art and Activism / Politics and technology / Social Practice / Southeast Asia /
Workshop Report: Hybrid eXperience

Citizenship / Action Research / Art and Activism / Politics and technology /
Report: Meme-ify: An Attempt to Dance Through Pain with Humour

Citizenship / Community & Learning /
Zelfportret met sleutelgat - door Annemarie de Wildt