About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Collection development


Collection development / Diaspora / Migration / Social Practice /

Humanity and melancholy in the model of azc Klompjan

Indonesia / Collection development / Ecology / Colonial history / Museology /

On the (de)coloniality of Kebun Raya Bogor, museum objects and contemporary Indonesian art

Collection development / Museology / Queer /

Report: How to Un/Engender the Ethnographic Object?

Contemporary Aboriginal art / Collection development / Museology /

Report: On the future of the AAMU collection and the outlook of contemporary Aboriginal art

Collection development / Global Art History / Contemporary Aboriginal art /

Video: symposium 'In the future everything remains uncertain'

Zanele Muholi - Miss D'vine I (2007), collectie Museum Arnhem
Collection development / Photography /

Review: Identity in the age of globalism. A review of the exhibition 'What We Have Overlooked'

Collection development / Museology /

Video: Onbegrensd Verzamelen

Collection development / Museology /

Review: of the exhibition 'Costume Bureau'

Museology / Collection development /

Publication: Museums in a Global Context

Collection development / Art economy /

Artikel: Tropeninstituut ontmantelt boekencollectie wegens bezuinigingen

Museology / Collection development / Global Art History /

Publication: Changing Perspective

Colonial history / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Museology /

Report: Symposium Contested History

Collection development / Museology /

Panel Discussion: A critical reflection on museum policy

Collection development / Book Launch /

Symposium: Popular Imagination - Fiction With a Message

Collection development / Museology /

Report: Collecting without Borders (4/5)

Collection development / Museology /

Report: Collecting without Borders (5/5)

Colonial history / Collection development /

Video: symposisum Colonial Nostalgia

Museology / Collection development /

Report: Collecting without Borders (1/5)

Collection development / Museology /

Report: Collecting without Borders (2/5)

Collection development /

Article: The Guided View (Dutch)

Museology / Collection development /

Report: Collecting without Borders (3/5)

The living archive / Collection development / Colonial history /

Artists in Residence: Royal Museum for Central Africa

Fotografie: Anoek Steketee
Colonial history / Collection development / Museology /

Symposium: Colonial Nostalgia

Collection development / Extractivism / Innovative heritage /

Conversation: The intangible heritage of Limburg mining region

culturele sporen van de koloniale ervaring
Museology / Collection development / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /

Publication: Susan Legêne, Spiegelreflex

Feminism / Collection development / The living archive /

Publication: Traveling Heritages


Exhibition: Drawing Stories

An online presentation of Framer Framed in collaboration with Amsterdam Museum

Exhibition: In the future everything will be as certain as it used to be

Exhibition in collaboration with AAMU - Museum of contemporary Aboriginal art, in light of their closure
Zanele Muholi - Miss D'vine I (2007), collectie Museum Arnhem

Exhibition: What We Have Overlooked

A collection presentation of Museum Arnhem, curated by Mirjam Westen


Symposium: UnAuthorised Medium - Return and Repatriation
Symposium as part of the opening weekend for exhibition UnAuthorised Medium.
Symposium: In the future everything remains uncertain
A discussion on art collection policy in the Netherlands.
Exhibition: In the future everything will be as certain as it used to be
Exhibition in collaboration with AAMU - Museum of contemporary Aboriginal art, in light of their closure
Event: Farewell to the hermetic monoculture
Lecture by curator Mirjam Westen on the rol of art institutions in a rapidly changing global context.
Exhibition: What We Have Overlooked
A collection presentation of Museum Arnhem, curated by Mirjam Westen
Table Ronde: Oral History in the Jewish Historical Museum
On the role of personal stories in the museum.
Collecting without boundaries. Creating a future-proof museum
A discussion on collection exchange, mobility and museum collaboration.
The Colonial Gaze
On the historical preconceptions that determine our view of art.
Collecting without Borders
Ethnographic, historical and art museums in dialogue on collecting and presenting global art.
Exhibition: Drawing Stories
An online presentation of Framer Framed in collaboration with Amsterdam Museum