About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

From what will we reassemble ourselves (2020). Photo: © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
Anna Dasović, 'Before the fall, there was no fall. Episode 01: Raw material' (2019). Foto: © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
Marko Peljhan - Territory 1995 (2009-2010) © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
From What We Will Reassamble Ourselves (2020)
Marko Peljhan - Territory 1995 (2009-2010), foto: © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
Facing Srebrenica Project - Facing Srebrenica and the Future of Memory in Europe (2020), foto:  © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
From What We Will Reassamble Ourselves (2020)
Selma Selman - Superpositional Intersectionalism (2020), foto:  © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
Hito Steyerl - Journal No. 1 - An Artist's Impression (2007), foto: © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
Ana Hoffner Ex-Prvulovic - Transferred Memories - Embodies Documents (2014), foto: © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
Marko Peljhan - Territory 1995 (2009-2010), foto:  © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
Arna Mackic exhibition design 'From what will we reassemble ourselves' (2020). Foto: Eva Broekema / Framer Framed

6 Sep –
10 Jan 2021

Exhibition: From what will we reassemble ourselves

From what will we reassemble ourselves brings together six contemporary artists, a team of researchers, and an architect to consider a crucial question posed by Croatian-Bosnian author Jozefina Dautbegović: from what fragments – images, stories, archives, historical scraps – does one represent a life in the wake of genocide?

With works by
Lana Čmajčanin
Anna Dasović
Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic
Arna Mačkić
Marko Peljhan
Selma Selman
Hito Steyerl
Facing Srebrenica Project

The exhibition positions the genocide that took place in and around Srebrenica, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25 years ago as a historical moment connecting all the artworks presented. Each perspective represented in the exhibition offers pieces toward the reassembly – towards reimagining – of the memory of violence and loss, acknowledging that lives continued to be lived in spite of that violence.

From what will we reassemble ourselves invites the viewer to both identify with and scrutinise the position of the bystander to genocidal violence – the one who is often neglected by the historical frame, or who remains unmarked, yet whose witnessing continues to be mediated through representation.

Installation design Arna Mačkić. Photo: Eva Broekema / Framer Framed

Digital Archive

Access our digital archive with online content of From what will we reassemble ourselves. Due to the closures during the 2020 Corona lockdowns in the Netherlands, Framer Framed has built up and archived content and events that you can access online. Although it is almost impossible to capture the experience of visiting an exhibition or the feeling of seeing the actual artworks, we’ve tried to make the exhibition as much as possible online accessible.

Check the Digital Archive here,
Read the online catalogue here or,
Check out the virtual tours here.


Read these great reviews about our exhibitions From what will we reassemble ourselves and Temporary Monument – Srebrenica is Dutch history in some of the Dutch media and online platforms: Jegens & Tevens, Het Parool, Volkskrant, Mister Motley, Trouw, De Kunstmeisjes and De Wittle Raaf.

Additionally independent researcher and art writer Nesli Gül Durukan spoke with the curator Natasha Marie Llorens. Read the interview featured on the Metropolis M – magazine.

5 September – 17:00 & 19:00 (Reservation only)

Exhibition Dates
6 Sept – 10 Jan 2021 (Tue-Sun 12:00-18:00)

Framer Framed
Oranje-Vrijstaatkade 71
1093 KS Amsterdam

Virtual tours

A group exhibition conceived by Anna Dasović and curated by Natasha Marie Llorens. Exhibition design by Studio L A and Arna Mačkić. The title of the exhibition is derived from Jozefina Dautbegović’s poem The Unidentified (2003).

Supported by
Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK), Gemeente Amsterdam- Stadsdeel Oost, Mondriaan Fonds.

Special thanks to
Van Abbemuseum

Conflict / Diaspora /


Exhibition: Temporary Monument - Srebrenica is Dutch history

By Bosnian Girl


Online Film Program: Damir Avdagić
Online Film Program with Curator Natasha Marie Llorens
Online Film Program: Dania Reymond
Online Film Program with Curator Natasha Marie Llorens
Online Film Program: Selma Selman
Online Film Program with Curator Natasha Marie Llorens
Opening: From what will we reassemble ourselves & Temporary Monument
Double Exhibition Opening with Anna Dasović and Natasha Marie Llorens


Arna Mačkić


Anna Dasović


Guido Snel


Erna Rijsdijk


Hito Steyerl


Selma Selman


Marko Peljhan


Lana Čmajčanin


Ana Hoffner

Artist, researcher and writer

Natasha Marie Llorens

Independent curator and writer
