29 Apr –
30 Apr 2021
Launch: Now water can flow or it can crash, my friend
The program ‘Now water can flow or it can crash, my friend: Fluid archives of active discontents from East Asia and beyond’ consists of a series of online/offline roundtable discussions, interactive workshops, screenings and lectures to explore notions of art, archive, and activism in the context of East Asia and beyond – kicking off with a digital launch. The series are realized in collaboration with ASCA/University of Amsterdam.
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water.
Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup;
You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle;
You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot.
Now water can flow or it can crash.
Be water, my friend.
— Bruce Lee.
Date: April 29 (Thu) 13.00 – 14.00 CET
On 29th April, the launch event of the series will take place online. In this event, the audience will be introduced to the project by immersive mediums such as visual teaser by artist Simo Tse, interactive quizzes and a musical performance by Hong Kong-based artist Sophy Wong.
Tune in via YouTube.
Online Roundtable
Date: April 30 (Fri) 13.00 – 15.00 CET
Moderator: Lok Yee Wong
Panel: Lin Kok Cheung Dalu, Objournalist, Michael Leung, Susi Law
In today’s Hong Kong, with the reverberations of the ongoing protests, practicing art is increasingly becoming more complicated. Nevertheless, the imagination of Hong Kong artists has not been halted by the politicisation of the city, but flowing into communities in different forms. In the roundtable From stories to communities, from arts to Hong Kong, we gather artists who are contributing their works to the city among all the upheavals for dialogue and experience sharing.
The event is FREE and has limited spots. Please register to join the workshops by sending an email to reserveren@framerframed.nl. You will receive an invitation by email. The language is English.
How to live life in a time of intense insecurity? A pandemic time, with a climate crisis looming and with populism, systematic racism worldwide on the rise? What can we learn from art practices and recent social movements hailing from East Asia to imagine a more sustainable future from our own situated context? The title of this program, taken from Hong Kong American martial artist Bruce Lee’s philosophy, reminds us that resilience and care come from fluidity, flexibility, and tenacity. In a turbulent time, we need even more so friends close and afar to make alliances for a journey in building a better world.
Together with artists, collectives, activists, and scholars, this new series digs into the question: what role do cultural practitioners play in social movements in East Asia? How do they transgress nation-based boundaries and join the flows with others? How can we archive actions that are always in flux, and so often, on the verge of destruction, disappearance, and alteration by the ruling powers? What symbolic and material techniques do artists mobilise to address ethics of resilience? And how can such artistic practices be restored so that we can learn from them?
In the coming months, we invite you to explore the various forms and creative potentials of resistance, remembrance; of fluidity, porosity, non-oppositionality, and care. Through this program, we advocate for a better world where we attend to our interconnectedness, where we float freely yet at the same time hold each other firmly, like water—formless and shapeless, maybe, but also more resilient.
Yvette Lok Yee Wong is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam after having graduated from the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University where she received her MPhil.
Lin Kok Cheung Dalu is a designer as well as a district counselor, intervening district affairs with his art perspectives.
Objournalist is an art team which records local histories by doing research and curating objects collected from on-site visits and second-hand sources.
Michael Leung is an artist/designer, researcher and visiting lecturer in Hong Kong, who engages in developing commons with writing fiction and zine-publishing.
Susi Law is an artist, a curator and a district counselor, who aims to empower the community with her curations.
Now water can flow or it can crash, my friend series is a collaboration of Framer Framed and ASCA/University of Amsterdam.
Research Team: Emily Shin-Jie Lee, Jiyoung Kim, Yvette Lok Yee Wong, Zoénie Liwen Deng
Visual identity & Graphic Design: Simo Tse
Facilitator: Jeroen de Kloet
Kunst en Activisme / Action Research / Het levende archief / Oost-Azië /
Creatieve workshop: When in doubt, take a walk
Een oefening waarbij deelnemers worden uitgenodigd een virtuele wandeling te maken
Online discussie: "Ultra" Kinship
Een video-essay screening en discussie over polymaternalisme en alternatieve verwantschap
Online Roundtable: Live Together Otherwise
Over wederzijdse hulp en collegialiteit in tijden van crisis
Online Filmprogramma: Now water can flow or it can crash, my friend
Geselecteerde films van het vasteland van China, Taiwan, Zuid-Korea en Hong Kong
Online Roundtable: Resistant Bodies
Een publieksprogramma waarin kunstenaars en activisten uit Oost-Azië over vrouwenrechten vertellen
Online Roundtable: Curating Against Oblivion
Een publieksprogramma over cureren als een vorm van verzet en herinnering

Michael Leung

Susi Law
Curator en kunstenaar

Lin Kok Cheung Dalu
Ontwerper en gemeenteraadslid

Simo Tse

Sophy Wong
Singer-songwriter and producer