24 Nov 2014 – 20:00
Collecting without boundaries. Creating a future-proof museum
The exhibition Costume Bureau can be visited before the program starts Time Entrance from 19.30 onwards Program 20.00 and 22.00 Location Tuinzaal, Tolhuistuin IJpromenade 2 1013 CC Amsterdam Entrance Free admission Please register at reserveren@framerframed.nl
On Monday 24th of November 2014 Framer Framed will present a debate on the ‘Collectie Nederland’ in the framework of the globalizing society. This debate will discuss the current state of affairs and the sustainability of the Dutch museum collections.
The evening is part of the exhibition Costume Bureau: a collection presentation of Museum Het Domein from Sittard, currently on display at our exhibition space at the Tolhuistuin in the north of Amsterdam. This will be the last time that an exhibition will be presented under the current name of Het Domein, as the museum will be forced to merge in 2015 as a consequence of budget cuts. This recent development is the occasion for this debate.
In January 2013 the new advisory report was published by the Council of Culture, Ontgrenzen en verbinden. Naar een nieuw museaal bestel. On the one hand it praised the Dutch museum system, but on the other it made clear that there remained much to be desired. The Council also proclaimed that museums need to increase their collaborations and that the ‘Collectie Nederland’, the entirety of the collections residing in Dutch museums, needs to become more visible and mobile.
During this evening we will open up a critical discussion on the potential and feasibility of a national collection, which should reflect a changing society and have an innovative character. The question is whether this can be realized without imposing a useless or restrictive collection profile on to the Dutch museums.
The debate will be chaired by Chris Keulemans and the participants are:
- Michaela Hanssen (Head of the Art Collections at the Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed / National Cultural Heritage Department)
- Noor Mertens (Curator Modern and Contemporary Art at the Boijmans van Beuningen)
- Roel Arkesteijn (Curator Contemporary Art at Museum Het Domein)
- Ruud Priem (previously Chair Collections at the Nederlandse Museum Vereniging / Dutch Museum Association)
- Jhim Lamoree - Stug blijven zitten op 847 bergjes goud (2013, Vrij Nederland)
- Raad van Cultuur - Ontgrenzen en Verbinden (2013)
Collection development / Global Art History / Museology /

Exhibition: Costume Bureau
A collection presentation of Museum Het Domein, curated by Roel Arkesteijn
Collecting without Borders
Ethnographic, historical and art museums in dialogue on collecting and presenting global art.

Ruud Priem
director of Dutch Art & Heritage

Michaela Hanssen
Hoofd Kunstcollecties bij de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed

Noor Mertens
Conservator modern and contemporary art and City collection

Roel Arkesteijn