25 Jun –
30 Jun 2024
Decolonial Summer School: Celebrating 15 Years of the Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School
The Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School has its 15th anniversary in 2024! To celebrate this, several public events are organised in the last week of June in collaboration with Framer Framed and the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. All events are open to the public.
Since 2010, Walter Mignolo and Rolando Vázquez have brought together students, activists, researchers and artists to discuss the decolonial option. Together they explore alternatives to global (in)justice by being aware of the one-sided narrative in the modern/colonial world order and critically engaging with local histories. Addressing the danger of the single story in the Modern/Colonial world order, the course invites to learn about the decolonial option. Participants and lecturers collectively explore creative alternatives to global (un)justice by critically engaging local histories to challenge global designs. The guiding principle of the Decolonial Summer School is: “What Does It Mean To Decolonize?”
What influence does colonialism have on people and museums? And what is the importance of decolonial thinking in a turbulent world with evolving injustices and environmental crises? These questions and more will be explored during this special edition of the Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School. The first two days of the programme will take place at Framer Framed, the second two days at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven.
At the Van Abbemuseum you’ll be able to visit the recently opened exhibition Soils, with work by among others Valiana Aguilar, Pluriversity Weavers, Aldo Ramos, Rolando Vázquez, and patrica kaersenhout. The exhibition Soils is a plea to connect with the soil: the ground we live on. How do we take care of our soil, just as the soil cares for us? Soils offers insight into how artists from different parts of the world connect with the earth in their own ways. The exhibition embraces these differences. There is a vast amount of (intangible) knowledge about the soil. How can we learn from each other, support each other, and establish relationships? Relationships with the land, as well as with each other, take centre stage. Soil is on show between 15 June – 24 November 2024 at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven.
The events at Farmer Framed are in English and free of charge.
A donation at the door is appreciated.

Moelyono, Tandak Samira (2023), on show at the Van Abbemuseum as part of the Soils exhibition. © Courtesy of the artist
Ancestral Musings; a Caribbean Conversation
Tuesday 25 June | 16:00 – 18:00
Prof. dr. Gloria Wekker
Prof. dr. Jean Casimir
Location: Framer Framed, Amsterdam
Sign up here to attend!
Decolonial Feminisms
Wednesday 26 June | 16:00 – 18:00
Prof. dr. Rosalba Icaza
Valiana Aguilar, activist
Prof. dr. Catherine Walsh
Location: Framer Framed, Amsterdam
On the Coloniality of Thought
Thursday 27 June | 16:30 – 18:00
Prof. dr. Rolando Vázquez Melken
Location: Aula – Old Lutheran Church, University of Amsterdam
This event will be live streamed; click here
Honouring and Remembering BeBop
Friday 28 June | 16:00 – 18:00
patricia kaersenhout, Artist
Jeannette Ehlers, Artist and Performer
Prof. dr. Walter Mignolo
Location: Studio (Parliament), Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
The Soils exhibition
Saturday 29 June | 16:00 – 18:00
Charles Esche, Van Abbemuseum Director
Teresa Cos Rebollo, Van Abbemuseum Assistant Curator
Aldo Ramos, Artist
Prof. dr. Rolando Vázquez Melken
Ovidiu Tichindeleanu, Philosopher
Location: Studio (Parliament), Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Decolonial Aesthesis
Sunday 30 June | 16:00 – 18:00
Philosopher Ovidiu Tichindeleanu
Fabian Barba, Dancer and Performer
Aldo Ramos, Artist
Location: Studio (Parliament), Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
For more information about the programmes at Van Abbemuseum, read here.
Framer Framed is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Amsterdam Fund for the Arts; Municipality of Amsterdam; and VriendenLoterij Fonds.
Contested Heritage / Feminism / Colonial history / Museology /
BE.BOP 2014 - Spiritual Revolutions & 'The Scramble for Africa'
Curated by Alanna Lockward.

Catherine Walsh

Charles Esche

Aldo E. Ramos
Poet and decolonial storyteller

Walter Mignolo
Academic, writer

Jeannette Ehlers

Rolando Vázquez Melken
Professor of Sociology

patricia kaersenhout
Visual artist, cultural activist, womanist