Southeast Asia

Colonial history / Indonesia / Residencies / Southeast Asia /

CICC / Southeast Asia /
CICC: Extinction Wars selected by Monthly Art for exhibition award

The living archive / Colonial history / Art and Activism / Residencies / Southeast Asia /
Announcement: Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence

Collectives / Bookshop Selection / East Asia / Southeast Asia /
Bookshop Selection: 'Art for (and within) a Citizen Scene' & 'Be Water, My Friend'

Indonesia / Collectives / Art and Activism / Southeast Asia /
Taring Padi, Solidarity in Public Space - by Kerstin Winking

Citizenship / Community & Learning / Art and Activism / Politics and technology / Southeast Asia /
Workshop Report: Doodle Lecture and Musical Hangout

Citizenship / Action Research / Community & Learning / Art and Activism / Politics and technology / Social Practice / Southeast Asia /
Workshop Report: Hybrid eXperience

Southeast Asia / Extractivism / Photography /
Review: Art Asia Pacific - UnAuthorised Medium

Exhibition: Sensible Past in Surabaya – Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame
Group exhibition in Surabaya, Indonesia with Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed artists-in-residence

Exhibition: Breaking Waves
The exhibition Breaking Waves by artist Clara Jo on epidemiological and maritime movement

Exhibition: UnAuthorised Medium
A group show curated by Annie Jael Kwan