28 Oct –
29 Oct 2022
Homemade Seeds
The third and final SALWA Gathering will take place at Framer Framed on the 28th and 29th of October. During the event, we will dive deep into the worlds of mundane everyday tradition and collective bodies as a way of fictioning future narratives and creating other present–day realities. Join us!
28 October, 17:00-23:00 & 29 October, 15:00-20:00
Register here!
The ticket is 5 euros, but donations are welcome!
What will a future where collective care and healing are centered look like for diasporic and migrant communities? How can we move beyond the perpetual stigma of a static migrant identity without assimilating into a homogenous group? How can we be guided by our dreams of a better future?
Everyday tools, habits and routines are radical tools and methods for building more just futures that are grounded in everyday life. As the last iteration of the SALWA Gatherings organised in 2022, Homemade Seeds aims to interrogate the notion of ‘a home away from home.’ We aim to create stories, connections and new kinships. With the peculiar circumstances that we are living in, imagining a future seems to be hard to reach. For us, the future is the presence of sharing a space, a meal and some gossip sessions. We want to gather so we can hold each other and feel heard. Inspired by our own personal experiences with agriculture and the preservation of food traditionally called “mouneh”, we want to prepare with you care practices for the winter.
Mouneh is the practice of preserving food through various techniques in order to make spring and summer crops last through the harsh winter. This process is disappearing due to neo–liberal systems, excessive consumption, import industries and a thirst society has for immediate products. We are gathering to ground ourselves. Through food, massage, celebration, failure and everyday living we create the near future. We hope that this last iteration can reach towards creating a community that cares and caters to one another by sharing our resources similar to the process of Mouneh. It is about caring for collective bodies and stepping away from individual ones in order to survive and resist. We aim to collectively explore complex and challenging issues in an accessible and dynamic way.
Homemade Seeds will take place in Framer Framed on 28–29 October for which we will collaborate with Andrea González, Diana El Halabi, Emirhan Akin, Luis Lecea, Mariana Jurado-Rico, Noiré, Julia Bande, Yaya Pucci (Anto & Yara Said), Yara Ktaish and music by Ragasa. We will engage with what we have harvested so far to look towards the future, and to think of ways we can make these futures come alive.
17:00 Open doors/drinks and snacks
18:00 Opening talk
18:15 Buddy Massage workshop with Julia Bande
18:30 Moviemiento estatico para el fracaso: A static movement for failure #2. Performance by Mariane Jurado-Rico
19:15 Dinner
20:00 Performance by Yaya Pucci (Anto Lopez & Yara Said)
20:30 Performance by Noiré
21:00 Dj set by Ragassa / Drinks
15:00 Open doors/drinks and snacks
15:30 Buddy Massage workshop with Julia Bande
16:00 SUBHIEH: Lecture Performance by Yara Ktaish
17:30 Dinner
18:00 Artist talk and intervention by EMIRHAKIN
19:00 Intervention by Andrea González Garrán & Luis Lecea
The program will be live on radio Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee form 19:00 onwards: CARE RADIO: PRESERVE
Money should never be in the way of your attendance. If you cannot afford a ticket, please email hello@salwa.nl.
Homemade Seeds is a collaboration of Framer Framed and Salwa Foundation. SALWA Gatherings in 2022 are supported by Mondriaan Fonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst. Framer Framed is supported by Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap; Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst; Stichting DOEN; Stadsdeel Oost; Van Abbemuseum.
Migratie / Eten / Workshop /
Workshop: Imagining Futures and Narrative Baskets
The final session of our 'Basket Case' reading room to gather resources for reconnecting in the pandemic.
Reading Room: Basket Case 2 - Cooking and Care
Een collectieve “leesmand” om kennis en middelen te verzamelen om op een meer participatieve manier in de pandemie om te gaan.
Reading Room: Basket Case
Een collectieve 'leesmand' om op een meer participatieve manier met de pandemie om te gaan
Yara Said