David Garcia
David Garcia (UK) is an artist, academic and organiser. He is currently Professor of Digital Arts and Media Activism at Bournemouth University in England.
Garcia has pioneered new forms of critical engagement with art and media, based on an occupying of the cracks which began to appear in the edifice of broadcast media in the 1990s. Through a series of events, most notably Next 5 Minutes, he (along with others) identified these kinds of interventions as part of a wider trend: a previously uncategorised set of cultural and political practices they called, ‘Tactical Media’. These ideas caught on and have since been recognised as one of the more significant and distinctive cultural movements of the last two decades. To connect the ‘memory’ of Tactical Media to the radical proliferation and transformation of these practices, Garcia co-founded, (with Dutch Media theorist Eric Kluitenberg), the award winning Tactical Media Files, an online repository of Tactical Media materials past and present. For Framer Framed he curated the exhibitions As If: The Media Artist as Trickster (2017), along with Annet Dekker and Ian Alan Paul, and Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis, (2024) curated with Mi You.
Alongside these projects Garcia has been active in Higher Education in which he has been instrumental in developing and embedding processes that unlock the radical potential of art as research. He has developed these ideas as Professor of Design for Digital Culture University of Portsmouth & Utrecht College of Art in the Netherlands where he launched the (UN) Common Ground project and publication, based around empirically grounded case studies of collaborations in academia, art and industry.

Expositie: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis
Tentoonstelling over de commodificatie van kennis en onwetendheid, samengesteld door Mi You en David Garcia

Expositie: As If - The Media Artist as Trickster
Over politieke mediakunst waarin verschillende vormen van misleiding centraal staan, samengesteld door Annet Dekker en David Garcia ism Ian Alan Paul
Finissage: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis
Symposium met kunstenaars, theoristen, onderzoekers en activisten over onze hedendaagse kenniscrisis
24 uur Oost: Rondleidingen tentoonstelling 'Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis'
Rondleidingen als onderdeel van het 24 uur Oost programma ter gelegenheid van het 750ste jubileum van Amsterdam
Opening: Really? Art & Knowledge in Time of Crisis
Opening van de tentoonstelling over de commodificatie van kennis en onwetendheid, samengesteld door Mi You en David Garcia
Symposium: The Society of Post-Control
Uitgebreid gesprek over het ontstaan, gevolgen, en activistische reacties op 'the Society of Post-Control'.
Symposium: Art and Political Conflict
Over de relatie tussen kunst en politieke conflicten en hoe dit is gevormd door digitale media en het internet.

Curatorial Statement: Kunst in tijden van desinformatie

Interview: Curatoren van tentoonstelling As If, Annet Dekker, David Garcia en Ian Alan Paul

How much of this is fiction bij FACT, Liverpool

Verslag: Public Debate 'Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive'

Recensie: de kunst van het misleiden. Een bespreking van de expositie 'As If'

Recensie: de kunstenaar als charlatan. Een bespreking van de expositie 'As If'