Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Image: Critical Art Ensemble, http://theinfluencers.org/en/critical-art-ensemble

22 Jan 2017 – 12:00

Symposium: The Society of Post-Control

Date and time 22 januari, 12:00 ~ 18:00 Location (alternative location!) Tolhuistuin Room: Tuinzaal (next to Framer Framed) IJpromenade 2 1031 KT Amsterdam

In light of exhibition As If: The Media Artist as Trickster, at Framer Framed from 20 January – 5 March 2017, Eric Kluitenberg organises two public events in collaboration with David Garcia on 21 and 22 January.

The conference The Society of Post-Control on 22 January aims to discuss how tactical interventions with media technologies now operate in a societal context of unprecedented complexity.

Drawing on Michael Seemann’s concept of ‘Digital Tailspin’ (“Kontrollverlust”), this expanded conversation will explore the idea that a situation named The Society of Post-Control has emerged: a situation in which the overwhelming complexity of technological and socio-economic systems is giving rise to an ever-increasing number of unpredictable and uncontrollable events.

Within this evolving context of Post-Control, how can we re-imagine the space for progressive political interventions? Are there new opportunities for progressive emancipatory politics that are able to surf the chaos as effectively as the insurgent populists of the new right (alt.right and beyond)? How do we respond to Post-Control, online and offline?

Michael Seemann, Geert Lovink, Ingrid Eel, Ian Alan Paul, Bernardo Gutiérrez, Steve Kurtz, Marc Tuters, Kim de Groot, David Garcia.

Moderated by Eric Kluitenberg.

12.00  – Doors open
12.30  – Welcome / introduction Eric Kluitenberg
13.00  – Michael Seemann – Digital Tailspin and Post-Control
13.15  – Interview with Seemann by Geert Lovink
13.45  –  Responses / discussion with Hadi al Kathabi & Jeff Deutch.
14.00  – David Garcia – Meme Wars in the Society of Post-Control
14.30  – Marc Tuters  – Did the U.S. just elect a meme?
15.00  – Responses / discussion with Kim de Groot

Changement / Coffee Break

16.00  – Ingrid Eel  – ON LEGIBILITY (performance)
16.30  –  Bernardo Gutiérrez – Post-Control in Brazil
17.00  – Response: Steve Kurtz – Tactical considerations
17.30  – Closing discussion
18.00  – Doors close

Politiek en technologie / Nieuwe media /


Expositie: As If - The Media Artist as Trickster

Over politieke mediakunst waarin verschillende vormen van misleiding centraal staan, samengesteld door Annet Dekker en David Garcia ism Ian Alan Paul


Symposium: Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive
Symposium over de relatie tussen digitale archivering en activisme.


Eric Kluitenberg

Auteur en programmamaker

Ian Alan Paul

Kunstenaar, curator

David Garcia

Kunstenaar, academicus
