Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Eric Kluijtenberg

Eric Kluitenberg

Eric Kluitenberg is an independent theorist, writer, and organiser on culture, media and technology.  He is the editor-in-chief of the Tactical Media Files, and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Network Cultures (2013). He teaches media theory and history at the Art/Science Interfaculty in The Hague.

He was head of the media program at De Balie – Centre for Culture and Politics in Amsterdam (2009-2011). He has taught media theory at a variety of colleges. He lectures and publishes extensively on culture, new media, and cultural politics throughout Europe and beyond.

Previously he taught “Culture and New Media” at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Applied Sciences,  “Media Theory” for the post-graduate education programs in art & design and new media at Media-GN / Frank Mohr Institute and Academy Minerva in Groningen, the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in The Hague, and worked on the scientific staff of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.

Recent publications include The Book of Imaginary Media (2006), Delusive Spaces (2008), and the theme issues of Open, Journal for Art and the Public Domain, “Hybrid Space” (2006) and “(Im)Mobility” (2011), the Network Notebook Legacies of Tactical Media (2011), and Acoustic Space #11, Techno-Ecologies (2012).


Expositie: As If - The Media Artist as Trickster

Over politieke mediakunst waarin verschillende vormen van misleiding centraal staan, samengesteld door Annet Dekker en David Garcia ism Ian Alan Paul


Finissage Really

Finissage: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis

Symposium met kunstenaars, theoristen, onderzoekers en activisten over onze hedendaagse kenniscrisis
Symposium: The Society of Post-Control
Uitgebreid gesprek over het ontstaan, gevolgen, en activistische reacties op 'the Society of Post-Control'.
Symposium: Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive
Symposium over de relatie tussen digitale archivering en activisme.
Symposium: Art and Political Conflict
Over de relatie tussen kunst en politieke conflicten en hoe dit is gevormd door digitale media en het internet.
