Özkan Gölpinar
Özkan Gölpinar (1968) is a writer, art critic, and filmmaker. Until recently, Gölpinar was working as program manager at the Mondrian Fund and the Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten Vormgeving en Bouwkunst. Before this, he worked as a senior consultant Culture and Media for organisation advice office Berenschot in Utrecht. In the past, he has worked as a journalist at, amongst others, de Volkskrant, Trouw and a large amount of magazines. Gölpinar has many books, essays, plays, documentaries, articles, reviews, and advice to his name. Gölpinar has been involved with many public program events at Framer Framed such as the opening the exhibitions Crisis of History #2 and #3, as well as moderating the panel discussion Iraqi Stories.
In the last 15 years he has specialised in questions refering to cultural diversity and media. He has in the past been a member of different boards of artistic and cultural institutions, like Internationaal Cultuurpodium Mozaïek, het Nederlands Gespreks Centrum and het Maurits Binger Film Instituut. Next to this, he is a part of the advisory committee of the Fonds voor de Letteren, het Nederlands Fonds voor de Film, de Rotterdamse Kunst Stichting (RKS), het Fonds Amateur en Podiumkunsten (Fapk) and the cultural plan committees of the municipalities for Utrecht and The Hague.
He recently worked within the research programme Contemporary Art Beyond Boundaries (CAbB) of the University of Leiden. The research program referred to the following questions: What does globalising mean for the Dutch art practice, institutions and the discourse? And how do artists shape these issues and what kind of insight gives this to the viewer/researcher in society and the cultural environment?
- Council for Culture