17 Mar 2017
18:00 - 20:00
Lecture: Remco Raben - The modern art & literature of the Indies/Indonesia
In March & April 2017, the chair of Dutch-Caribbean Literature (Prof. Dr. Michiel van Kempen) at the University of Amsterdam and Framer Framed will organise a series of open lectures on the influence of colonialism and Dutch imperialism on (the relationship between) literature and visual arts in the former Dutch colonies. The second lecture in the series will be presented by Remco Raben, Professor Colonial and Postcolonial Cultural History and Literature at the University of Amsterdam. This lecture will be in English. (For a full list of all the lectures, see below.)
Lecture Remco Raben – The modern art & literature of the Indies/Indonesia The search for a renewed national identity was common to most decolonizing countries around the middle of the twentieth century. It was also the time when ‘modern art’ made its entrance in these societies. Indonesia is no exception. The urge to create an independent artistic language was immense. In this lecture, Remco Raben will discuss the cultural discourses in Indonesia in the 1940s and 1950s. What did ‘modern’ mean, what ‘Indonesia’, and, ultimately, what ‘modern Indonesian art’? Did modern Indonesian art develop within the strict boundaries of the search for a national identity? How were ideas about East and West, about colonialism, nationalism and internationalism articulated? Two painters will serve as vehicles to investigate the dilemmas, paradoxes and achievements of the emerging arts in the 1940s and 1950s: Agoes Djaya (1913-1990) and Mochtar Apin (1923-1994).
Save the date: upcoming lectures in this series (please make a reservation)
Fri 24 March: Gábor Pusztai – Work by Laszlo Székely, writer and artist [NL]
Wed 5 April: Rose Mary Allen – The culture of oral history in Curacao [EN]
Fri 7 April: The work of artists Charl Landvreugd & Patricia Kaersenhout [EN]
Tue 11 April: Sara Blokland – Srefidensi, photo archives, photo albums, memory & identity [EN]
Fri 14 April: Paul Faber – Contemporary art in the Caribbean [NL]
Fri 21 April: Ellen de Vries – Nola Hatterman and contemporary art in Surinam [NL]
Meer info: Open lezingenreeks: De invloed van kolonialisme op kunstuitingen in voormalige Nederlandse koloniën
Shared Heritage / Indonesia /
Lecture: Ellen de Vries - Nola Hatterman and art in Surinam
Lecture by researcher and publicist Ellen de Vries, about the work of Nola Hatterman in Amsterdam and Suriname.
Lecture: Iwan Sewandono - The outframed framed in: modern Indonesian Painters
Lecture by anthropologist Iwan Sewandono, on modern Indonesian painters in the Dutch Indies, in the 1930s and after.
Lecture: Paul Faber - Modern Surinamese Art, 1945-1980
Lecture (in Dutch) on modern Surinamese art, by art historian & publicist Paul Faber.
Lecture: The work of artist Patricia Kaersenhout and artist Charl Landvreugd
Artists Patricia Kaersenhout & Charl Landvreugd will each present a lecture on their artistic practice.
Lecture: Rose Mary Allen - Oral history as autobiography
Lecture by Dr. Rose Mary Allen, on oral history in the context of Curacao.
Lecture: Gábor Pusztai on the work of László Székely
Lecture on the work by artist László Székely, who lived and worked in the former Dutch Indies.
Open lecture series: Influence of colonialism on artistic expressions in former Dutch colonies
March/April 2017.