17 Feb 2019
17:00 - 20:00
Finale Diasporic Self: Black Love Letters & Manifestos
I’ll rewrite this whole life and this time there’ll be so much love.
– Warsan Shire
Zwart Licht beter nog licht in het donker
Luister! Luister en huiver
Bliksemschicht, bliksemschicht, bliksemschicht
– Zwart Licht
Fada, ju saka
pe son bar’ ‘kongowe!’
Gras’barki – so mi tu –
no tan a lampe!
– Edgar Cairo
Diasporic Self: Black Togetherness as Lingua Franca closes with a chain of love letters and manifestos by various contributors, strangers and surprise guests that touch on, celebrate, question and highlight feelings, memories, doings, poetry, art, and thoughts on reckoning with the realities of everyday black life in Europe.
– Tour by Anne Krul
– Black Cake by Jabu Arnell
– Sounds, Poems & Thoughts by Barby Asante, Rabz Lansiquot, Ajamu, Amal Alhaag, Axmed Maxamed & many more
Diasporic Self: Black Togetherness as Lingua Franca brings together artists, thinkers, poets and strangers to look into unconstituted archives and informal memories practices that inform, characterize and map contemporary black cultures in Europe. The project addresses the historical and contemporary relationships, codes and lingua franca that are transmitted between various diasporic (artistic) communities, and how these themes shape the practices, conversations and realities of producers and practitioners.
On show in Amsterdam & London
15 Dec 2018 – 17 Feb 2019 at Framer Framed, Amsterdam
7 Dec 2018 – 1 Feb 2019 at 198 Contemporary Arts & Learning, London
Community & Learning / Diaspora /

Exhibition: Diasporic Self - Black Togetherness as Lingua Franca
A project initiated by Amal Alhaag and Barby Asante
Diasporic Self: Informal gatherings with Anne Krul
Diasporic Self: Lexicon of Black Poetics
This event offers space for (performative) readings that peel away, show, uncover the layers and complexities of black poetics of the everyday.
Diasporic Self: Caring as Lingua Franca - Fiction & Myths of Black Womxnhood
An evening programme i.c.w. Dipsaus podcast.
Opening: Exhibition Diasporic Self: Black Togetherness as Lingua Franca
A project by Amal Alhaag and Barby Asante.
Black Queerness & Diasporic Lives
An event on everyday intergenerational black queer social life, love and communities to look into the embodied experience of Black Queer people in Europe.
Diasporic Self II: Dancing as lingua franca (a gathering in progress)
An event in light of Amsterdam Art Weekend 2018, with Hannah Catherine Jones, Ogutu Muraya, Amal Alhaag and Barby Asante.

Anne Krul

Ajamu X

Barby Asante
Artist, Curator, Educator