Charl Landvreugd
Charl Landvreugd is an artist and researcher. Born in Paramaribo, Suriname, Landvreugd grew up in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Aesthetically, politically, theoretically as well as practically, black is the base color in his practice. Landvreugd has studied at the Goldsmiths College (London) and Columbia University (NYC), and continued his investigations of black and Blackness. He explores the plurality of black hues and advocates for distinctions in black diversity.
Although Landvreugd works as a visual artist, creating mainly sculpture, installation and video, he has also a wide experience as a curator and a writer, working in Europe, the Caribbean and the United States. Charl Landvreugd uses Black as an instrument to speak off our communal efforts to bridge cultural gaps worldwide. Since 2009, Landvreugd has already shown his work in New York, London and Amsterdam, and also is his home country, Suriname, along with some of the other artists presented in this exhibition at C&H art space. Landvreugd developed three artist residencies, participated in several publications and curated exhibitions with other artists, all related to black-Dutch artists in Dutch society.
In 2011 he curated the exhibition Agnosia, at Centrum Beeldende Kunst Zuidoost in Amsterdam. With Agnosia Charl Landvreugd explores different expressions of the visual language of black Dutch artists. For this group exhibition Landvreugd selected artists who were born and/or grew up in the Netherlands. He wants to show how their position as Black Europeans is visible in their work. In 2012 he also participated in the exhibition Who More Sci-Fi Than Us, contemporary art from the Caribbean curated by Nancy Hoffman. His work was also featured in the Framer Framed exhibition Common Ground, curated by Vincent van Velsen in 2015 as part of the Unseen Photo Fair Amsterdam.
Landvreugd is on the supervisory board of the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and the board of the Akademie van Kunsten (Dutch Society of the Arts ). He is also a member of the Commissie voor de Tekeningen (Drawing Committee Amsterdam). He has been a fellow at BAK (Basis voor Actuele Kunst (2018-2019), Utrecht), the Van Abbemuseum (Deviant Practice, 2017-2018) and the Tholenaar van Raalte at the Research Center for Material Culture (2015-2016). Next to that he advised the Raad voor Cultuur (Dutch Council for Culture) and was an advisor to the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst among other activities. Besides his practice he is the core tutor at the Masters Institute of Visual Cultures AKV| St. Joost and is a regular tutor at Dutch art academies.