
Amsterdam Noord / Chile / Diaspora / Feminism / Shared Heritage / Molenwijk / Textile / Workshop /

Diaspora / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Podcast / Textile /
Podcast: Decolonizing the Gaze - Textile Cultural Heritage vs Colonialism

Amsterdam Noord / Molenwijk / Residencies / Social Practice / Textile /
A dialogue of embroidery: from Kosovo to Molenwijk with Jakup Ferri

Amsterdam Noord / Molenwijk / Residencies / Textile /
Jakup Ferri is the new Artist in Residence at the Werkplaats Molenwijk

Curatorial Text / Feminism / Art and Activism / Performance / Textile /
'To those who can imagine' by Anna Bitkina

Curatorial Text / Political Climate / Textile /
Who has no time to play? by Curator Charles Esche

Amsterdam Noord / Community & Learning / Shared Heritage / Migration / Molenwijk / Social Practice / Textile /
Wandkleed De Molenwijk

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Textile /
Exhibition: Six Yards Guaranteed Dutch Design

Exhibition: Homies
Exhibition and clothing shop selling a fashion line produced by members of the art collective We Sell Reality

Exhibition: To those who have no time to play
A Solo Exhibition by Gluklya