About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Debat: De blik van de kunstenaar, AAMU (2009)

27 Mar 2009 – 20:00

The View of the Artist

Start 8:00 PM Admission free AAMU (Aboriginal Art Museum) Oudegracht 176 NL-3511 NP Utrecht Netherlands +31 30 2380 100 info@aamu.nl www.aamu.nl


The exhibition Theme Park (2008) assembled by Brook Andrew for the AAMU – Museum for contemporary Aboriginal art (Utrecht), deals with questions of representation, identity and (ethnic) background. The international, colonial connections with Australia and the representations of Aboriginals are of central concern in the exhibition. Brook Andrew incites both his audience and the museum itself to a critical self-analysis by making museums of art the subject of his exhibition.


Following the exhibition Theme Park this first edition of Framer Framed deals on the one hand with the way art institutions in the city of Utrecht exhibit non-western art, and on the other hand with the roles artists have in shaping the representation of non-western art within these institutions. A comparison is made with national and international developments.


Tiong Ang – Artist (born in Indonesia, living and working in Amsterdam);
Mella Jaarsma – Artist (born and working in Indonesia), founder and co-director of the Cemeti Art House, Rumah Seni Cemeti, Indonesia;
Koen Wastijn – Artist (born and working in Brussels, Belgium);
Georges Petitjean – Curator at AAMU, Aboriginal Art Museum, Utrecht;
Paul Faber – Curator Africa at the Tropenmuseum;
Nancy Hoffman – Director Instituto Buena Bista, Curaçao. Center for Contemporary Art.

Debate leader is Chris Keulemans.

Contemporary Aboriginal art / Global Art History /


Tiong Ang


Brook Andrew


Nancy Hoffmann


Paul Faber

Curator, Author

Georges Petitjean


Mella Jaarsma

Curator, Artist
