About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Photo of Anan Striker Werkplaats Molenwijk resident Anan Striker

Anan Striker

Anan Striker (b. 1988) is a Dutch painter, sculptor, typographer, poet and tape-jockey. As a versatile artist, he isn’t preoccupied with a particular subject. Rather, through intuition, he renders everyday events, occurrences, and objects into art. Similar to his choice of subjects, his work isn’t defined by or limited to a specific technique or medium. From murals to lithography, he practices and often combines different forms to create poetic and disruptive interpretations of reality. Despite the multidisciplinary nature of his art, Anan’s work is recognisable, especially through his raw yet stylised handwriting. His background in typography, meshed with his interest in hiphop and gabber culture shapes his bold murals, lithographs, and sculptures, often accompanied by synthesisers, drum machines, and space echoes.

Apart from his solo work, Anan Striker has participated in various collaborative exhibitions, such as Once you enter my house, it becomes our house (2021) at Het HEM and Frivolous Demands (2021) at Gallery Vriend van Bavink. He has also developed a number of lithographs for Art Bar Kippy and various mural projects for Murals Inc. in the last year. Anan Striker will be the artist in residence at Werkplaats Molenwijk in Spring 2022.


Exhibition: Thinking with the Hand

By Werkplaats Molenwijk artist in residence Anan Striker


Workshop: Major Movements
In de context van kunstactivisme, onderzoeken we in de workshop hoe je verandering in de samenleving teweeg kan brengen door middel van creativiteit.
Finissage: Thinking with the Hand
Festive closing of Anan Striker's exhibition in Werkplaats Molenwijk
Football match Molenwijk
An alternative football match organised by artist in residence Anan Striker
