Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed



LIMBO started as a creative research collaboration between Framer Framed, Refugee Academy (VU Amsterdam), Choices Support Center and queer/refugee/migrant community organisers & artists. In this collaboration we aimed to co-create meaningful knowledge on the challenges and resilience of queer refugees and the role of community engaged scholarship. At the beginning of 2022 Framer Framed collaborated with participants and Fabian Holle (PhD Researcher) from Refugee Academy at Vrije Universiteit (VU) and Noa Bawits (Master’s Sociology), with a series of workshops exploring creativity from different perspectives. From poetry lessons, storytelling to clay workshops and finally an exhibition presentation, the group of queer individuals created a safe space and meaningful friendships.

Since 2022, LIMBO has been part of the Through Art We Care project - a project in which Framer Framed and care organisation Cordaan work together with the aim to make the art institution a place that promotes change, emancipation and psychological well-being through art practice. Currently, LIMBO workshops are facilitated by Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, a creative artist with a focus on writing, storytelling and activism and Lana Jelenjev, a community alchemist and learning experience strategist.

Interview: LIMBO co-creators Fabian Holle, Noa Bawits, en deelnemend kunstenaar Ariya

For more information about LIMBO, check out our interview with the co-creators and one of the participants here. 

Presentatie: LIMBO - queer exilic narratives

LIMBO participants opened the doors to their workshop space to the public in their presentation, LIMBO - queer exilic narratives. Visitors could see artwork made by the group, notes, posters and words of encourage & affirmation decorating the space. It was on display from 27 March to 8 May at Framer Framed. 

The presentation also opened with a bang through an exciting programme in collaboration with Sehaq Queer Refugees Group. Sehaq invited Sepideh Khodarahmi, Sarah Naqvi, Lamin Barrow (hosting an open mic), Alaa + Queers and Meram to perform and celebrate our collaboration, which is intended as a start of a long-term continuation.

“Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better”

Read the speech by Fabian Holle for the opening of the LIMBO presentation, welcoming all queer individuals with a refugee background. 


Although most the LIMBO workshops were private gatherings, the members often extended their generousity and vilnerable with visitors during public programmes, such as the Queer Poetry Night organised by the participants themselves. LIMBO were also very active during the Framer Framed project DIT - Do it Together.

Queer Poetry Night x LIMBO

LIMBO: Geëngageerde wetenschap en queer exilic verhalen