7 May 2021
18:00 - 19:30
Atelier KITLV: Zouk is Medicine
A panel discussion on creole manifestations of cultural as a means of resistance.
The multi-lingual online cultural platform Le thinnai kreyol, that promotes their vision for a plural and creolised India, will presents a curated conversation (‘katcheri’) with Madame Jocelyne Beroard of the band Kassav’ and Dr Bonaventure Ndikung of SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin and Sonsbeek 20->24.
Led by researchers and co-founders of Le thinnai kreyol, Ananya Jahanara Kabir and Ari Gautier, this series of events explores creolisation as a politics, aesthetics, and the ethics of becoming.
Le thinnai kreyol has several thousand followers tuning in from every time zone for their live sessions. Join ‘Zouk is Medicine’ on the 7th of May to experience their unique vibe.
Zouk is Medicine live stream link: https://youtu.be/geXkQsUD2Jk
Le thinnai kreyol
Le thinnai kreyol, a multi-lingual online cultural platform that promotes their vision for a plural and creolised India, was co-founded in May 2020 by Ari Gautier, author based in Oslo, and Ananya Jahanara Kabir, Professor, King’s College London. Through a praxis of collaboration, resistance and solidarity that takes inspiration from creolisation itself, Le thinnai kreyol decolonises structures of knowledge and ensures its non-hierarchical dissemination beyond academic audiences— an agenda shared with Atelier KITLV.
Since its launch, Le thinnai kreyol has programmed three seasons of curated conversations (‘katcheris’) with guests and improvised sessions between the co-founders. Le thinnai kreyol is now thrilled to collaborate with Atelier KITLV on a spectacular start to its fourth season: a katcheri with Jocelyne Beroard and Bonaventure Ndikung. The theme, ‘Zouk is Medicine’ pays homage to the classic zouk anthem by Kassav’ which announced a sonic and kinetic decolonisation across the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean worlds.
The conversation will be live streamed from Le thinnai kreyol Facebook page , the KITLV Facebook page, and the Framer Framed YouTube channel.
This live event is FREE and in ENGLISH.
Jocelyne Beroard is female lead singer and lyricist of the legendary zouk band, Kassav’, who, since 1979, have promoted through their music the politics of creole resistance, a cultural activist for the memory of enslavement, and an advocate for injured and disabled children. She calls herself a “Militante pour le devoir de mémoire” (activist for the duty of remembrance).
Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (born in Yaoundé, Cameroon) is an independent curator, author and biotechnologist. He is founder and artistic director of SAVVY Contemporary in Berlin and the artistic director of sonsbeek20–24, Netherlands. He has been curator at Documenta 14, Dak’Art Biennale, Bamako Encounters Photography biennal, the Finland Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, and is guest professor at academic programmes worldwide.
- Website: KASSAV'
- Le thinnai kreyol
- KITLV event
- Framer Framed YouTube channel
- KITLV - Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
Caribbean / Action Research / Diaspora / Shared Heritage / Colonial history / Southeast Asia /
Atelier KITLV: Kreyol Warung
le thinnai kreyol presents an evening of creole commensality and conviviality
Atelier KITLV: Kucini, kallu, kakkus - Creolising India Across the Oceans
Kucini, kallu, kakkus: Creolising India Across the Oceans

Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung
Curator, author and biotechnologist

Jocelyne Beroard
Singer and lyricist

Ari Gautier
Novelist and researcher

Ananya Jahanara Kabir
Professor and researcher