About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Portrait of Musoke Nalwoga

Musoke Nalwoga

Musoke Nalwoga (1994) was born and raised in Uganda. She is currently working in Amsterdam as a curator and researcher with a focus on contemporary art. She is currently working within Motormond; a contemporary art gallery in Amstelveen.

On July 15th she will be giving a lecture titled Un-Grasping Street Culture as part of the public program for the group project A Funeral for Street Culture (2021), curated by Rita Ouédraogo and Metro54 at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.


Project: A Funeral for Street Culture

A group project by Metro54 and Rita Ouédraogo hosted by Framer Framed


Memory Past a Surpassing Disaster
Movie screening of 'Amreeka' followed by a panel discussion
Motormond presents: Un-Grasping Street Culture
A lecture exploring the non-hierarchal design element of the current group show
