About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Ahmadali Kadivar

Ahmadali Kadivar

Writer and researcher Ahmadali Kadivar is director of the Iran Regional Music Atlas, the first and most robust atlas of the folkloric music in Iran, deepening the understanding of the musical culture to literary, mythological, historical and anthropological aspects of the folkloric musical phenomena.

He contributes as a freelancer to Chelcherag Magazine and Zard magazine amongst other popular and professional papers in Iran. Anthropological and historical excavation and investigation in his lengthy research is not limited to but deepens in mostly Middle-east and the unexplored inter-related networks of knowledge within mostly the art world and political life in Iran.


Performance: Manifesto Against Nostalgia
Outdoor Performance by Giulia Crispiani, Golrokh Nafisi and Ahmadali Kadivar