Expositie: It Never Rains in Streetview (Werkplaats Molenwijk)
Presentatie van derdejaars Breitner Academie studenten.

Exhibition: The City is Ours (Werkplaats Molenwijk)
With installations, photography, and videos made by young women in Amsterdam and Tunis, reflecting their visions on what our cities should look like

Exhibition: HERE/NOW - Current Visions from Colombia
Twenty artists presenting contemporary art and photojournalism created in the context of Colombia.

Exhibition: Diasporic Self - Black Togetherness as Lingua Franca
A project initiated by Amal Alhaag and Barby Asante

Exhibition: 50 Years' Molenwijk
The exhibition portrays ’50 Years of Molenwijk’ through a combination of existing material and new work by Florian Braakman

Exhibitions Werkplaats Molenwijk: Marie Hudelot, Suat Ögüt and Şengül Köker
Current exhibitions and programme