About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

© Pauline Sesniac

A Series of More-Than-Human Encounters

Framer Framed is pleased to announce our partnership for A Series of More-Than-Human Encounters, a program of performative events across Europe! We kicked off the series on 29 March with a dialogue of the artists from Charging Myths. Check this page for updates on the upcoming partner programs.

In 2021 and 2022, Kaaitheater and VUB Crosstalks hosted a series of lectures entitled A Series of More-Than-Human Encounters, which highlights different ways of being and alternative forms of knowledge. The series looks at what we can know and what can never be known. With the forest, the mountains and the deep sea as our fellow thinkers, we invite you to discover what lies beyond the horizon of human knowledge.

In 2023, the cooperation has expanded with more European partners, namely Framer Framed, Rosendal Teater and the environmental humanities research group at NTNU (Trondheim), and Artea – Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Madrid). This new series will consist of four programmes, within which contemporary thinkers and artists will focus on the relationships between human beings and more-than-human beings. We begin to question: how can we co-exist in a world that has been modelled within the context of imperialism, patriarchy and capitalism?

More-Than-Human Encounters

Framer Framed, and online
29 March 2023, 19:00 – 21:00

The More-Than-Human Encounters event at Framer Framed revolves around the exhibition Charging Myths, which takes the recent run on lithium in Congo as a starting point to delve into technological, social, and mythical dimensions across global extractive chains. During the event, artists and members of the collective On-Trade-Off Femke Herrgraven, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Jean Katambayi Mukendi and Georges Senga will partake in a dialogue on the evolving narratives and counter-narratives surrounding extractive practices in Manono. Keeping an eye on the human and more-than-human connections that are drawn from the mined landscape of Manono, the artists engage with a question central to their collective practice: how is technological innovation dependent on natural resources?


La Casa Encendida, Madrid and online
5 May 2023, 19:15 – 20:45

Performance on practices of decentralizing classical-western human condition by artist-researchers Amanda Piña, Paz Rojo and Victoria Pérez Royo.

We, humans, cohabit on this planet with a wide variety of living and inert or lifeless beings. The title of this encounter aims to question the possible minor condition of humanity in this assemblage. While the series proposes to consider forms of life and knowledge outside the classical human state, we wonder how to add by subtracting. That is, through certain renunciations rather than acquiring new or extra skills. Hence, we propose the less-than-human.

The three guests invited to the encounter have a long trajectory in this regard and hold active concerns on this subject in their current projects, which can be summed up in the general proposal of decentralizing the classical-Western human condition to its possible limits. Amanda Piña works around the decolonization of choreography, introducing what she calls Endangered Human Movements at many levels: oral knowledge, shamanism, diplomatic rituals, or plant wisdom, among others. Paz Rojo works on the remains of exhausted bodies after what she calls the decline of neoliberal choreography, proposing concrete operations of re-subjectification through body movement. Victoria Pérez Royo currently investigates other affectivities, focusing her gaze on what she calls the anachronistic body, the one moved by rites such as magic, for example, or by any ritual modality that counteracts the hegemonic modern-colonial corporeality. The three guests will dialogue with each other through a discursive game device generated from their own practices, interwoven and put into mutual relationship.

See the La Casa Encendida website for more information, or watch the live-stream for free on YouTube.

More information about the partnering programs will follow!

Ecology / Extractivism / Performance /


More-Than-Human Encounters
Performative evening on the different dimensions of global extraction with artists Femke Herregraven, Maarten Vanden Eynde and Georges Senga.


Femke Herregraven


Jean Katambayi Mukendi


Georges Senga


Maarten Vanden Eynde
