About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Paul Faber

Paul Faber

Paul Faber is an art historian, exhibition maker, and writer.  He studied art history at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) with secondary subjects in African History and Cultural Anthropology. After his studies, he taught art history at the Rietveld Academy and the University of Amsterdam. From 1986 to 1997 he was connected to the Wereldmuseum in Rotterdam. There, he worked as coordinator of Public Service, and later on as Head Presentations, and in 2016, he worked as a guest curator.

From 1997 to 2014, Faber was the senior conservator for the Africa department at  the Tropenmuseum as conservator Africa. For this role, he established important expansions of the collection, particularly in the fields of popular art and design. He also collaborated on the exhibition Vodou, Art and Mystique from Haïti in 2008.

At Framer Framed, Faber also participated in the panel discussion The View of the Artist, to explore the roles artists have in shaping the representation of non-western art. In 2017, Paul Faber gave a lecture the Modern Surinamese Art, 1945-1980 for Framer Framed on 14 April.

He often publishes on the topic of African art and culture, and about popular culture and modern art in a broader sense. Next to this he is involved with various international collaboration projects with museums in Benin, Zambia, Kenya, South-Africa and Ghana.


Lecture: Paul Faber - Modern Surinamese Art, 1945-1980
Lecture (in Dutch) on modern Surinamese art, by art historian & publicist Paul Faber.
Open lecture series: Influence of colonialism on artistic expressions in former Dutch colonies
March/April 2017.
The View of the Artist
A panel discussion between artists and museum curators.
